Testing Pt. 1

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Day 3. It was Day 3 since Spidey dropped you off at this huge building with no one inside. He explained that the people who lived there were currently out on a mission which only raised more questions than answers. He stayed with you for most of the day, only leaving for patrol, and told you to make yourself at home. The place was pretty nice though. Big open space for a living room, fancy kitchen filled to the brim with food and snacks, and a TV. TV was nice. You didn't know how to use it but hey, TV.

He even showed you to a empty room where you were going to stay. It wasn't anything big but it was yours. A bed pushed against the wall to the right along with a desk adjacent to it. The closet was bigger than you needed since you only had one shirt and a single pair of pants. Spidey ended up bringing a box back from one of his patrols and gave it to you. It was a bunch of his old clothes that could fit you. There was also a window that looked out to the city below.

You ended up walking around barefoot since your shoes made your feet hurt. Spidey also caught you sleeping on the floor rather than the bed. The mattress just didn't feel right to you so the floor it was. At least for the first night. The second night was spent in the closet which you enjoyed. The shower was something to be amazed by. It was a shower! Greatest thing ever!

You've seen a shower before and of course you've used one. The Old Man would get invited to some retirement home for a hook up and he would sneak you in for a quick shower and maybe a meal before you would get chased out. Still, the strawberry shampoo was wonderful. Your H/C hair was finally clean and the bags under your eyes were final going away.

Today was the day you were going to start your first test with Spidey regarding your powers. He found you in your room, asleep in your closet to be exact, and lead you to the level below.

Y/N: So what will we be doing?

Spidey: Just some basic stuff. Run you through some scenarios to see what you can do.

Y/N: You're not gonna drop a car on me or send me flying on a launch pad are you?

Spidey: That was a specific guest.

Y/N: Saw it on the TV yesterday.

You reached a door which Spidey opened. The room was just a large white room with nothing inside.

Y/N: This is neat. So, what now?

Spidey: Now I turn on the simulator. Good luck.

You watched him walk to another wall and type on some device. The room suddenly began to glow before you were in the streets of New York. Everything looked so life like minus the lack of people.

Y/N: Cool.

Spidey: Alright, first up is strength.

Suddenly a chunk of metal was in front of you.

Spidey: Pick it up and I'll slowly make it heavier. Once it becomes too much just drop it.

You nodded and picked up the meat. You were able to hold it in one hand. Spidey then began to increase the weight which you felt. It didn't really become too much for a while. Eventually it got to the point when you had to hold it with two hands. Spidey continued to increase the weight but it wasn't too heavy. Spidey looked down at the device and was amazed to see that it was already 250 lbs. He continued to increase the weight until you had to hold it tighter. At 460 lbs you were placing it on your back. At 890 lbs you were struggling. Once it reach 1350 lbs you dropped it, unable to hold it anymore.

Spidey recorded the results and nodded impressed.

Spidey: Not bad. 1350 lbs seems to be your limit as of right now.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now