Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 3

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Gwen swung into a kick which knocked M.O.D.O.K back enough to give Viv enough time to blast him. Miles landed next to Cat and Sam who was looking a bit beat up.

Kamala: Are you alright?

Sam: Tis but a scratch. A large, bleeding scratch. I am in pain.

He was bleeding awfully bad. Cat and Kamala helped him sit down against the wall. Kamala grew her fists and charged at M.O.D.O.K but was quickly thrown back by his telepathy.

Cat: He's a pain in the ass. We need a plan.

Miles looked around.

Miles: What can we do?

Venom: Ssssmassssh him for giving the world'sss ssshitessst upgrade.

Miles: Can't believe I'm about to say this, but you might be onto something.

Gwen: What do you mean?

Miles: His chair. Without it he's powerless.

Viv scanned for weak points.

Viv: There is a spot under the chair.

Miles: Then let's smash it!

Gwen and Miles swung up while Kamala and Cat stayed on the ground. Viv scannes the area and calculated a plan.

Viv: Knock him on his back. After that, Miles and the space worm will attack the bottom. I will then destroy the controls.

Everyone silently agreed and moved to put the plan in action. Cat jumped up and allowed Kamala to catch her before throwing her towards M.O.D.O.K. She flipped over to deliver a devastating kick which knocked him backwards. Gwen then swung down and shot a web at the back of his head. She used her strength to pull him down completely which gave Miles his openeing. Venom covered his body and the two slammed into the bottom of the chair. They ripped off the metal and jumped out of the way for Viv to blast the controls.

M.O.D.O.K tried to move out of the way but it was too late. The damage was done and he was unable to active his chair. For safe measures. Sam flew up and blasted his head gear.

M.O.D.O.K: This can't be. I can't be beaten by a bunch of rugrats!

Everyone stood victorious. Cat even kicked his dangling leg.

Cat: You have no clue how much you made Y/N suffer.

Viv: I say it's time for payback.

Miles: I don't think I want to see this.

Before they could do anything, the castle shook.
You reached the throne room with the rest of the team. Widow took Katie, Laura, and Kitty to the left side of the room while you took Danny, Ruth, and Riri to the right. There was no sign of Doom anywhere.

Danny: Where could he be? We already checked the entire base.

Riri: Maybe he's in another castle?

You rolled your eyes. Hey, wait a sec. You got that reference!

Widow: There's no visuals.

Y/N: None over here either. Did he escape?

Taskmaster did. You wouldn't put it past someone like Doom to do the same. Danny looked around and found an open case. Inside were five Infinity Shards but the other five were missing.

Danny: Bad news guys. Looks like he managed to get away with some of the Shards.

Dr. Doom: I intend of leaving here will all of them.

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