A Runaway

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You entered town to pick up some groceries for the cabin. Felicia chose to stay back with your dad for some extended training, she was really giving it her all, so you were running the errands solo you didn't mind. You liked riding your motorcycle to town. You also didn't like the way some of the folks looked at Felicia. Damn Canadians. Wait, you were Canadian. DAMN YOU!

You parked your bike and hopped off. Your hair was still white but it just became a normal thing for you over the last few months. It was finally spring which was a welcoming experience since the snow started to melt a bit. The air was still frosty and the river was still freezing but at least you had your flames to keep you warm. It was April now. You ended uo training through all of winter. It was actually hard to think that it was almost a year since you got your powers.

Actually, in about a month it would be your year long anniversary with Felicia. Now that was crazy. So much has happened throughout the year. Some good, some bad. No matter what it was, it made you stronger. Victor turned up the training to better hone your skills and you felt like you preferred this over the simulations.

You entered the general store and the store owner, a nice old man named Jerry, smiled upon seeing you.

Jerry: Good morning Y/N.

You smiled back.

Y/N: Morning Jerry. How's the store?

Jerry: Still standing. How's the old man?

Y/N: As crazy as ever.

Jerry: And your girl?

You chuckled. You swore he had a crush on her.

Y/N: Felicia is still doing good. She wishes she could be here but she had some work to do.

Jerry smiled sweetly.

Jerry: Good to hear.

You grabbed all the things you needed and headed to the counter. You stopped when you saw some of the chocolate snacks Felicia liked. You grabbed some and set everything on the counter. Jerry rang them up and bagged them.

Jerry: Thank you for shopping with us.

You snapped your fingers.

Y/N: The only store in town Jer Bear. Wouldn't go anywhere else.

He pointed back at you as you left. He then leaned against the counter.

Jerry: To be young again.

You threw the bags into your sattle bags on your bike before you heard something from across the street. You saw a girl run out of the flower shop as the owner followed with his fist in the air. He stopped at the edge of the street while the girl kept running.

Y/N: That's, not good.

You hopped on your bike and started it.
The girl reached the park and stopped to catch her breath. She ended uo sitting under the tree and looked around.

???: What a cranky grandpa. I didn't even take anything.

She finally calmed down her breathing before standing back up. She walked around the park for a bit before she found a group of boys crowded around the sand box. They were laughing about something. When she got closer, she found a cat half buried in the sand. She realized that they were throwing rocks at it.

???: Hey!

She rushed over to them and moved into block the cat. The boys all looked at her annoyed.

Johnny: Who're you?

???: Stop being mean to this cat!

They started to laugh.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now