The Magne Mystery PRT.6

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(Y/N)’s Pov: 

We stepped out of the port, having just gotten out of the sub, along with all the other passengers who had gotten a ride down to the underwater city. Each sub could carry up to 50 demons, a total of ten subs that travelled to and from the underwater city and to the surface. 

Nočná Mora had to stay up with the pickup truck, since she was too big to come down in the sub with us. The subs were designed like passenger airplanes, only wider, the cargo hold being half the size of the actual sub. 

I stretched my wings, feeling the satisfying pop of bones. 

“Your wings are so big! I bet you can fly so fast with them!” said Maycee, in-awe at how big my wings are. 

I chuckled, folding them against my back tightly so they wouldn’t get in the way. 

“When you have wings this big, you have to make sure they don’t get in the way, or knock anything over” I said, smiling. 

Maycee nodded in understanding. 

“Come on. City Hall is this way. My mom and the Mayor should be in today” said Baxter, pointing in the direction City Hall was in. 

Time Skip: 

We stepped into the large building, walking over to the front desk. 

There was no one there. 

Glancing around, Baxter sighed, a look of worry on his face. 

“Baxter, honey, is something wrong?” I asked, noticing how worried he looked. 

“It’s nothing. It's just that my mom is supposed to be here. I hope she’s ok, she would never leave or slack off during work” said Baxter, crossing his arms and glancing up at the large painting of the Mayor that was behind the desk. The mayor was an Orca demon, and he was smiling for the painting.

The large double doors that were off to our right suddenly burst open, a Shark demon speed walking out as a tall Anglerfish demoness followed. 

“How many times must I tell you? You are not the mayor of this city, meaning you are not to be inside this building because it doesn’t belong to you” said Baxter’s mom, Oona, scowling angrily. 

The Shark demon laughed, waving her off. 

“Not yet it ain't. So how about you show me where my new office will be, since you’ll be my assistant once I do win the election” said the Shark demon, grinning obnoxiously. 

Baxter’s mom narrowed her glare, her long hair beginning to flow angrily as her eyes became completely white with a teal gradient around the edges. 

“I am not your assistant, and I’ll be sure you never become mayor, whether I have to get rid of the competition myself or not” said Oona, looming over the Shark demon threateningly, her ears becoming sharper and more tattered, her nails growing into talons and a pair of fins growing out of her back. 

The Shark demon chuckled nervously, sweating as he glanced away. 

“Well, I should be leaving now, very busy with my campaign. I’ll leave you and the Mayor to your own business” said the Shark demon. 

He quickly turned and ran out of the building, frightening by how angry the tall Anglerfish demoness was. 

Baxter’s mom calmed down, going back to her regular form as she dusted off her jacket. 

She then spotted the three of us, smiling when she saw me and Baxter. 

“Baxter! (Y/N)! How wonderful it is to see you again!” asked Oona, smiling and walking over to us, giving us both a tight hug. 

Hazbin Hotel {Baxter × reader} The Bond We Share (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now