Difficult positions

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Two weeks later, on a Friday in December before Christmas, Sirius's explosive laugh echoes like a thunder in the vault of the end of the world and James has to ask him to speak in a lower voice if he doesn't want to wake up the ghosts of the paintings. 

They tell anecdotes under the invisibility cloak and realise they are starting to get too old to fit under it on their nightly getaways to the kitchen. They march in a single line. James. Remus. Sirius.

- Padfoot? - Remus asks in a low voice.

- Mmmm? - Sirius is clearly drunk.

-You're sticking your wand in me.

- Who told you it's my wand?

James tells them to shut up but Remus is sure that the stupid joke - because it was just a joke, Remus - has made him jump so, that the bump of his heart just made  have been able to be heard throughout the school.

- Do you want to shut up behind there? In the end, they will catch us.

- Don't be jealous, Prongs, it's a cloak big enough for the three of us. 

And laughs again. This time it's a chuckle, emanated from a satisfied dog.


Well hello, hello! I'm writing these chapters as fast as I can, so I hope some of you will get to enjoy a continuous reading whenever you got to meet this story. I am being faithful to the LiveJournal publications of the original author, so that is why some characters may vary.

Please do not forget to comment if you like it! Or if in the other hand is any problem at all with my translation.

Greetings to you all! SophieLeeds.

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