You don't brag so much anymore..

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They push him slightly out of his beauty dreams. A series of strong enough movements scratch the surface of torpor and slowly penetrate that world of cotton and brandy, but James Potter ignores the call of the outside world and sticks to the pillow.

- Potter. - It's Sirius's voice. - Wake up.

Wake up? No way. He doesn't want to wake up. He wants to continue with the head under the blankets. He doesn't know what time it is, but he's sure he went to bed on Friday and it must be Saturday by now. He can't think of any good reason to get out of bed on Saturday. Except training. That it's not until eleven o'clock. He doesn't know what time it could possibly be, but he's sure isn't eleven o'clock, because he notices in the reigning darkness that it has not yet dawned.

- Come on, James - Sirius speaks softly but keeps pushing and pulling the blankets. - I want you to be awake.

-I don't want to - he murmurs, still with his rag tongue and heart asleep. - Sirius, leave me alone.It's a losing battle, and James knows it. Sirius opens the curtains. He lifts the blanket, hoists the pillow, getting James' head bump on the sheets. Sirius is all dressed up. He is awake. He's pouting like an abandoned dog. He has no intention of giving up. James knows it, but he tries to lengthen that hot pleasure of being in bed. It feels almost pleasant because normally when Sirius wakes him up, he usually yells a lot louder and shoves brusquer or - this is James' favourite - to cover his nose so that he wakes up half asphyxiated. That morning he just asks him quietly and shaking him nonstop.

- If you don't get up I'll get into bed with you.

- Just don't.

- I'll get into bed with you and pee inside your mouth.

It is almost loving. In Sirius's terms. James ends up opening his eyes.

His eyelids shakedown instantly, but the threat is made.

- I hate you, Padfoot.

- Yes, okay. - He gets something in the dark. Something that shines. - Come on, put on your glasses, Prongs. I want to see the dawn.

He sits up in the bed, but when he asks what time it is, Sirius answers "time to get up and watch the dawn". The fucking idiot has the nerve of asking him to speak in a low voice so as not to wake up the rest. James puts on his shoes in the gloom, puts on the first sweater he finds, and thanks to the elves for keeping the castle warm because autumn begins to do its thing and the ground is cold. He walks with one eye half-closed and his heart begins to awaken.

- What time did you come? Have you slept something? Where ... where is Remus?

- Ssshhhh, late. No. Sleeping.

Effectively. James gets up and listens to Remus breathing deeply, with the curtains ajar. Lucky guy. Typical of Sirius waking him up in the middle of the night and then worrying not to disturb Remus. Typical of that bastard to say that Remus was tired and ignore completely that maybe he's tired too. Is that it is typical. When it comes to Remus, the Black doggy territorial instinct awakens. It's like what happened to Malfoy in third grade. That evil born spent the entire course arguing with James and nothing happened. One day he came up with the idea of locking Remus in the broom room and Sirius answered breaking his nose.

- Sirius, seriously, I need to sleep, I think I'm still drunk.

- Well, let's go to the kitchen and I'll prepare something for you.

- No way. Your hangover potions are disgusting.

- My hangover potions are infallible!- And he's still talking lower, damn it.

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