Things to think while thinking in other things

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Two weeks before the game against Ravenclaw, James prepares strategies, dreams of mythical plays, examines the qualities of the rivals, he dissects the mistakes of his team and tries to explain to Sirius why it is better to go out with a cool head, play defense, and tire the beaters before going on the fast break.

- They have a very physical team, you have to tire them a bit or it will be like hitting a wall.

- Aha...

Sirius nods. Looking at some fixed point in the distance. James only sees a hallway, and a group of third graders surrounding Remus to ask him for help with some homework they have to do for class. Who knows what is it Sirius finds so fascinating.

- Have you seen Ned, their beater this year? I don't know what they feed him. He has a neck the size of Cornwall.

Whatever is distracting Sirius, whatever he is thinking, it must be far more important than Quidditch. And for Sirius, almost nothing is far more important than Quidditch.

- MMM yes.

- Know? I think you should call your mother. She is an understanding and loving woman. She sure misses you and loves to receive you back in her sweet, tender arms. Do not you think?

- Yep.

-Padfoot, mate, have you heard anything I have said to you during the last half an hour?

Sirius comes to pay attention to him for a second.

- Of course.

-What was she saying?

He thinks about it and ventures, without much conviction.

- What do you want to go to Cornwall during the holidays?

- Almost, man. He - slaps him on the back. - Almost.

Remus approaches them from the end of the hall, armed with that inseparable batch of books that accompany him everywhere, finally released of the students who asked for his help to teach them reducing enchantments and being able to pass Introduction to Spells andTransformations. He stops midway, takes a deep breath, and sneezes loudly, cursing "the damn allergies." He asks them what they were doing while he searches for a handkerchief among dozens of pockets.

- I was trying to avoid an epic defeat against the best-prepared team of our league. Meanwhile, Sirius dropped out of his duties as captain and he ignored me. What were you thinking, man?

James and Remus await his response with equal interest. Sirius meditates very slowly and the almost bluish-gray of his eyes becomes more intense when he sighs from the bottom of his stomach and answers.

- In sex.

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