Black sheep flock

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Sirius doesn't walk. Sirus flies down the corridors that lead to the garden. He is angry and feeds hatred against himself, which is the most sublime way of hatred. Pray to meet Snape or Malfoy and be able to find a perfect excuse to download his fury against someone who he thinks he deserves. He is seriously thinking about transforming and go out hunting rabbits. He ends up in that shed near the gardens that nobody uses. He imagines that he is lonely enough that no one discovers neither him nor the bottle that James keeps somewhere in that damn place. The last thing he expects is to meet someone. Much less, her.

- Evans? What the fuck are you doing here?

- Always so polite, Black.

He stands in the doorway, not sure what to do.

- Are you going to close the door? It's cold outside.

He thinks about it but in the end, he obeys. There she is, in all her glory. Lily Evans. Perfect student, perfect prefect, perfect everything. In the stinky, smoky, decaying garden shed. Red hair falling over in the face and green eyes full of tears. Slightly embarrassed because someone has seen her. Slightly devastated. Lifting her chin with dignity. Sirius likes people who grow up not to pretend weakness.

- What are you doing here?

This time he asks out of sheer curiosity.

- I could ask the same thing- he wipes his face with his uniform sleeve in a gesture that could be masculine but is delicate in her. Beautiful green eyes, that Evans. Normal for James to seem half hypnotized by her. Poor Prongs, he has less chance of getting to something with her than Sirius to end up being Minister of Magic, but the illusion lives.

- What are you doing here, Black?

- I wanted to be alone.

- Same here.

- But you screwed up my plan.

- Same here.

They don't speak often. Well, they are not friends. Yes, of course, they are in the same house but he doesn't befriend the girl that his best friend fancies. He keeps his distance and hopes his best friend gets lucky with her and doesn't stop doing fun things once they start dating. That is the relationship he'd have with a girl that his best friend fancies, and who always seems so dignified and so angry. Lily Evans is probably the only girl of her age - and several years more - with who he has not tried to flirt and maybe because of that, they end up together in the cabin, waiting for the rain to stop, hanging out with a bottle of whiskey that Sirius swears he found there "By one of those magical coincidences, Evans, I swear. " Lily doesn't drink and barely speaks at first, but it rains, there is nothing to do and Sirius can be very insistent when he wants to know. Lily finally gives in.

- Family issues.

- Has something ... serious happened? - Maybe someone is sick. Or something worst. Some misfortune. If his mother gets sick he would throw a party and pray to the moon for a painful convalescence but there are people who have families slightly more tolerable. Maybe Evans is one of those.

- No, nothing. They don't like me studying here, that's all.

It's not all, of course .. Lily has received an owl. The unmistakable Petunia's handwriting.

"Lily, for God's sake, stop sending me letters. That horrible owl scares the neighbours and I don't want to have to explain to my friends that my sister it's not normal, you understand? In the real world, Lily, you are a shame. Don't you see? Do you want me to be shame too?"

It is not the first time she has said something like that to her. It shouldn't hurt. But it hurts. She doesn't tell Sirius nevertheless. Nor that it was needed for him to feel a current of deep and immediate sympathy. Another black sheep. Have a drink to celebrate it. It almost eases the pain in his back. It shouldn't be easy to be a witch in a muggle family. More or less like being a rebellious Griffyndor in a Slytherin family associated with black magic.

- If you don't like your family, I'll lend you mine, Evans.

The girl narrows her eyes. Precious, I think so. Green like emeralds in the tempest.

- You wouldn't say it if you knew my family.

Sirius lets out an almost doggy sigh.

- You don't know my mother. A quarter of an hour with her and you would like to marry Snape.

- Come on, Sirius. You are a Black. Would you trade that for being the son of Muggles? For being a Mudblood?

Just for a moment, Sirius Black drops the facade of bravado and all that barbarian rage dissolves into absolute nothingness, in those green eyes that calm him. Stop showing off, barking, strutting, to swell like an animal in heat.

- There is nothing dirtier than my blood, Evans. That I guarantee you.

There is a silence between the border of the comfortable and the uncomfortable, and then, Lily breaks with a reverent "thank you" that comes from the depths of her heart. Outside, the afternoon is threatening a storm and neither of them knows exactly how to behave, alone in a cabin.

- You know what, Evans? You should give poor James a chance. - A couple of drinks make him feel safe enough to say so. -He's just a good guy with the bad company- he winks and she doesn't want to admit it but Sirius knows she's entertained by him.

- I've always thought that. I trust Remus balances your evil influence.


We will have to think about asking for forgiveness. Lily's gaze turns inquisitive.

- Has something happened to you with him?

- No... something. It's not important.

Lie. Because when it comes to Remus, everything matters.

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