Doors that open without a key

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A prank sometimes needs staggering amounts of imagination. Of course, a certain innate talent is required for the art of mischief. For that, of course, you can always count on Sirius and James, who when it comes to making the dirty job, look like twins separated at birth. Sometimes a great infrastructure is needed, like that time when Peter managed to blow up a hundred and twenty Muggle umbrellas to cover on the roof of the Great Hall and that everyone thought it was night and go back to bed. When it comes to turning life at Hogwarts into a gigantic prank, each marauder has his specialty of their own.

Peter is tireless. Remus is imagination in its boiling state. James has the nose of the born thug and smells a good joke miles away. And Sirius is invaluable when it comes to getting certain things. Certain things with a girl's name.

- Lumos!

Remus takes the map in his hands. James and Peter watch their backs, in the silent and nocturnal common room. A few meters from them, in one of the corridors that you have to cross to get to the Gryffindor outbuildings, across the picture with the fat lady, there are a couple of figures that concentrate all their attention. Sirius Black and Hannah Blair. Seventh-grade student. First of his promotion, a figure of Quidditch, and Hufflepuff Prefect. A model of perfection with an unblemished record and a known aversion to breaking the rules of the school. Remus remembers perfectly that it was Sirius's partner at the Yule ball. Also, remembers that Sirius ended the night with one of her best friends and a historic colossal slap in public.

Since then, no one at school has seen Hannah speak to him, and even claims that sometimes that slap still hurts.

-It's impossible...- says Peter. - She hates him.

- Ssshhh- Remus snaps, attentive to the variations of the map.

Sirius' figure chases the girl's footsteps for at least five minutes. She is a bit ahead, they can imagine doing his round and ignoring him. In the corner that leads to the changing stairs, Hannah's figure stops and Sirius's is right in front.

- I can't believe it- and indeed there is disbelief in Jame's voice.

-Shhhh- Remus snaps again.

Five minutes, maybe less, and the two figures lean against the wall. The steps indicating their presence on the map stumble back and forth forward and they are so close that you can hardly distinguish who you are and who is another one. James mutters "No fucking way" right in Remus's ear.

- What the hell did he say to her? - Peter wonders.

Better not to know. Remus still remembers last year. Tucked under the invisible cloak in the room so he could study without no one will bother him, lying in his bed quietly, when Sirius and that redhead whose name is better to forget appeared. He had to listen to ten minutes of sucking and salivating before he got a way to go out with the cape without anyone noticing their presence. What he saw wasn't recorded in his mind with as much intensity as what he heard. The girl's unconvincing protests have almost been forgotten. "Sirius, I gotta leave. I'm not supposed to be here. McGonagall will end up discovering us". What he cannot erase from his memory is him, as he kissed her neck and gently pulled her shirt off. "If you can leave you are stronger than me". He licked her ears. "But if you stay I will have to take your clothes off". He reached under her bra."I've been thinking every day about how would your face look like if I did this". And then he started licking inside her panties. "Don't go and let me do it to you with my tongue". The girl definitely didn't, but Remus preferred to leave, and then breathe deeply once out. More unhappy than in his entire life, hornier than in his entire existence.

It's more or less the same feeling he has now when the little dots on the map of Sirius and Hannah seem to be glued together by magic.

- Shit, look at that!

The map says, indeed, McGonagall. Ten meters in the adjoining corridor. Hannah must have a better hearing because her figure disappears first, hidden behind one of the tapestries. Sirius is less lucky and his steps meet those of the teacher. In less than three minutes, the door opens and the marauders - except Sirius - pretend to play chess and read in the Common Room.

- You know perfectly well, Mr. Black, that you are not allowed to prowl out there at this hours.

Sirius says nothing. But he nods and is pretty good at pretending he's a good kid. His robe is buttoned, luckily for him, but Remus notices that something beats underneath as if it were his own body.

- I hope that your silence, young man, indicates that you have understood me and you are thinking of never repeating it.

Again, Sirius nods, even though it's rare for him, truth be told, to be that silent. When McGonagall leaves the room, Sirius checks that she is away and proceeds to open his mouth. Or rather, slightly open his lips to drop a small golden key that glows with his own saliva.

- What did I told you?

- Sirius, seriously- James seems as admired as Peter- I am on my knees before you.

He wipes the key against his pants. Satisfied like a recently fed cat.

- Well, since you're on your knees, Prongs, eat my cock.

He slaps James as he throws the key on the table.

- And now, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, there is a problem that requires my rather prompt resolution in the men's room. - He goes there with a decisive step. - McGonagall could have waited five more fucking minutes- he protests while storming out.

That night they don't sleep. They are too entertained until four o'clock the morning using the key to enter the girl's restroom and filling with foam all bathtubs and faucets and showers, so when someone hit the water first thing in the morning, the hallways start to fill with pink soap bubbles. 

When they go back to bed, Remus is still powerless of sleeping because sometimes it's hard to sleep when you have the image in mind of Sirius on the map, tangled with a girl, and on the other side, Sirius in the room, promising oral sex to another lass and Sirius in the boys' bathroom, masturbating shamelessly ten meters from him.

Sometimes it is difficult.

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