Physiological needs (and abundant)

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During exams, everyone does it more. If Remus asks Lily why she would know the answer. She saw it during vacation, in a BBC 2 documentary. That excess of energy, nervousness during times of increased stress made teens masturbate more during exams. Remus would have been much more interested in this explanation but he would not have helped him sleep better each damn night, with damn Sirius and his damn sick compulsion less than a meter away, in the damn bed next to him. He would not have removed his own theory from his head.

He does it to torture him.

It can't be from stress. Sirius can't accumulate stress simply because he never studies. It can't just be the exams.

It has to be something else. Something that appears mysteriously during the month of June. A late spring fever. Some strange virus that seizes him and forces him to masturbate under the sheet - he warms the blankets just too much - before sleeping. Every night before sleeping. Yes, Remus stays up and wakes up at three in the morning, and sometimes he hears the repetition of the best plays.


Remus tries not to look. Remus doesn't want to see him. Remus is going superbly well pretending he's asleep. But he listens and feels him. And he wants to get into that bed with him where he takes a deep breath and gasps and makes too much noise. He would like to be the sweat on the palm of his hand. The sound that comes out of his mouth and ends between his lips, satisfied, limping, in that last gasp.

He wishes he could take it as James.

- Don't you know how to do it IN SILENCE like everyone else? Some of us want to sleep without hearing you moan!!!!!

Others want different things but don't say them.

James continues to protest under his breath. Rolling over in bed to try to sleep. Looking for posture.

- The wrist has to be dislocated. Sooner or later it has to happen. He will have to go to the hospital wing and will have to tell somebody how he did it. "I was polishing the broom ", he will say. It has to happen. It's not normal.

But it takes more than that to make Sirius daunted. And a lot more to stop it.

- Easy, Prongs. If I am disabled, I ask you to lend a hand.

In the dark. They talk to each other in the dark while Remus controls his breathing, trying to pretend he's sleeping. He only listens to his own heart and Sirius and James's breath a little further away.

- You will see me dead before, Sirius Black and I want you to hear this very well and remember it because you will see me dead before touching you.

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