Dumbledore's announcement

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That year, during the final exams, and to avoid the students go half-hysterical through the corridors reviewing the dates of the big events and even revolting and weighing ingredients for potions, Headmaster Dumbledore proposes a relaxing activity for the end of the term. Some fun and good vibes expectations for when the exams are over and everyone can shake off stress and anguish. 

Students hear rumors but they don't know what it's about. The most general theory is that it must be a dance.

- Great- James ironizes. - Another historic opportunity for Lily Evans to reject me in some new and more original way if possible.

But it's not about a ball, it's about something new at Hogwarts.

- The cinema! - Dumbledore declares during dinner. Many students don't know what it is, and the headmaster is busy explaining that it is not magic, but a Muggle technique so that photographs without movement get going fast and continuously, and tell made-up stories. - what is actually very curious indeed - he explains, excited as if they had bought him new color socks, - is that the whole invention is based on a small optic defect of the human retina.

His explanation is long, enthusiastic, and elaborate, but the younger students stop listening immediately when they discover that only those with permission to go to Hogsmeade may attend. The older ones have long ignored Dumbledore when he gets excited, but on the other hand, they rub their hands thinking of the possibilities that a visit to the darkroom at Hogsmeade gives.

- What are the chances that they will put us a porno? - questions Sirius.

- The same ones that you become Minister of Magic - Remus responds.

- What is a porno? - Peter wants to know.

James is only interested in finding out how dark the room has to be for the cinematograph to work and how he can craft some strategy to sit next to Lily. When Dumbledore, at the end of his speech, proclaims that the party night includes the possibility of sleeping in the dining room as a reward for an excellent academic year, there is a round of cheers between the tables.

- Did you hear that? - James is excited. - I can sleep with Lily! In the same room as her!

-That would be touching, Jimmy, if you weren't so pathetic- Sirius looks at him appearing genuine concern. And he looks at the sky afterward. -Merlin, if it's always like this, don't let me ever fall in love, I beg you. -When he gets tired of begging the more powerful ones, he turns to Remus. - You don't say that this level of obsession is not sad.

- It's sad, of course.

Sadder is -that he doesn't say- that after six years of sleeping with Sirius, Remus is still excited by the idea of ​​putting the sleeping bag next to his after the movie. "I am pitiful. Seriously. Should remedy it".

- Easy, Sirius, you will never fall in love. You already slept with all UK girls available, and if it hasn't happened to you so far, I think we can deduce that you are vaccinated. Maybe you have natural immunity or something.

- What do you say, Remus?

"I prefer not to say anything. I'd rather we change the conversation now". Why are there no normal safe conversations lately where his feelings are not in danger of being publicly exposed and then ridiculed?

- That James is right. I would not worry about you. Surely you are immune.

Sirius looks at him with eerie intensity.

- Not me, idiot. What do you say about yourself?

His heart skips a beat. James joins the conversation as if nothing happens. So chill.

- Yes, Remus, have you ever fallen in love? - says with not-intended-to-hide curiosity.

He feels harassed like a wolf. Caught between hunters who want to shoot him and eat his guts.

- Well I don't, never ... well, it's a strong word, isn't it?. I wouldn't say that much.

-Is that a yes?- Sirius doesn't even bother to be nice. He presses.

He pushes. As if he cared, as if that were his business. - Who is it?

He should tell him. At that moment. "From you asshole!" He should shout it out and stay at ease. Surely, then everything would be awkward and tense between them, and Sirius would go livid and pretend that nothing is wrong and that they continue being friends, but it would never be the same because he would know and that it would spoil everything and it would be the end of his only family. So Remus confesses. It is his only option.

- From Ringo Starr. It's true, seriously. Neither Paul nor John, for me always will be Ringo.

Sirius throws a napkin at him, says -Fuck you!!!- and protests because -You never tell us anything.-

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