In-communication for Dummies

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Friday hangs over Sirius' head like a death sentence. Students catch the express first thing in the morning and in London's West End, his mother and eight weeks without Hogwarts await that train. Each year he avoids thinking about the last day preparing some mischief, especially, mythical, spending night after night in Hogsmeade, changing hours of sleep per gallon of butterbeer. 

The last days, damn they should be their chance to have a good time in an epic, colossal, great way. But Remus and he hardly looked at each other and that idiot werewolf spends all his time with Lily. By the last Tuesday hours, Sirius sees the calendar, he checks the lunar cycle and decides that he can't take it anymore. If Remus wants to forget about Sunday, so great. He doesn't care either. That doesn't mean they have to throw the best six years of his life away toilet, damn it.

So he looks for him and finds him in the dining room. Alone.

- Tomorrow is a full moon - He spits. - On Friday we will know who won the House Cup. I'm leaving on Friday. Do I have to do all that without talking to you?

He pushes the plate away, takes a deep breath and Remus looks him in the eye. For the first time. He is stirring something inside.

- No- he sighs.

- Brilliant! The problem is what happened on Sunday? - Remus doesn't have time to answer because, the truth, it has happened to many girls, and those speeches "Better to be friends" are known by heart. So before he hears it, better say it and lead the subject to an end. - Because it wasn't that bad!

Sex, yes, of course. If he catches himself thinking about it he will still want to shake it to death but it wasn't bad enough to throw away such a friendship. Or what?

-No- says Remus. - Sure.

"Do you see? It wasn't that bad for him either. A fucking horn slip. Get over it, man".

-Sure- Sirius repeats and they are surprised feeling angry. -I don't even like cocks anyway.

-Good- Remus gulps, he seems almost too calm. -Well, we agree then- he affirms. - We are friends, it is better ... - It seems that he looks for the right words -... turn the page- he concludes.

- Sure. Yes. Awright'.

That is what he wants. Turn the page. Let that fucking tension disappear.

And if that requires not sexually assaulting one of his best friends in the bathroom, it will be it. If for Remus, it seems easy, for him, it can also be.- Then we agree.

Remus nods.

- We better not talk about it.

Sirius also nods. With energy.

- We better not think about it.

He gets up with a "Well, I guess I'll see you tonight" and would love to know why, if it was his idea to settle the matter, how easy it was for Remus, he finds it so irritating.

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