That mouth

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It's Sirius who makes him notice. In one of their "study sessions" at the common room. These sessions tend to last until dawn and almost never are dedicated to study if they have to be honest.

- Come on, Moony. Just say "Shit."

Impassive. Remus doesn't answer. He has to go over his lesson to Defense against the dark arts. James also comes into the game. Finally and after all, Sirius is right. It's weird that Remus doesn't say tacos, right? It's two in the morning, they have to entertain themselves with something.

- Yes, come on. Say "Fucking Jesus".

Total silence from Remus.

- Say "Shit pussy" - insists Sirius.

James insists along.

- Say "Bitch."

Nothing. Not a blink.

- Moony- Sirius begins- you are a marauder. You're at stake reputation.

- Even if it's just "Fuck". Say "Fuck", don't be a bore.

When put like this, Potter and Black, Black and Potter, they look like meant to be. Remus couldn't care less. Whatever Sirius says.

- I'm sure Peter would.

- Yes. - James lights up. - Peter, say "Fuck my fucking pussy."

Word for word, Peter repeats it. Word. By. Word.

- Fuck the fucking cunt.

And although Remus does not flinch, James and Sirius look at him with obvious disappointment.

- Wormtail- Sirius chides him- it doesn't matter what we tell you. To be a marauder is much more important to have a certain personality than to know how to insult properly. Look at Remus.

- That, Peter. Look closer.

His small-eared face falls down and reflects extreme tiredness. Exams turn most students into beings to drift, and Hogwarts accumulates too much nervous energy but some, like Peter, are more fickle, more vulnerable to external demands. Yes, Sirius and James were something else except natural tricksters. 

They would pity him. But it is not in their nature to be benevolent when it's about making a joke.

Marauder crackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora