News from London

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First Wednesday in June. It's late afternoon but the sun is stubborn to keep lighting Hogwarts and it's one of those few times during the course in which students can dine with the candles out, under the natural light provided by the ceiling of the Great Hall. Remus and James review Herbology test answers aloud when Peter advises them to remove the plates and make room in the center of the table.-

Careful- he warns. - It's your mother's owl, Sirius.

Approaching with majesty. An admirable animal, with enormous wings and shiny black feathers. Sirius sees it coming out of the corner of his eye, muttering "And now what". The animal makes a movement in the air, loses height, and drops the envelope next to Sirius's pumpkin juice, without stopping to rest or eat anything, as the rest of the owls do. It storms out the dining room flapping its wings in silence, passing overheads other students that observe astonished.

-Peter, you can put the plate down now- says James.

The poor lad still remembers the times when the Black owl left a small souvenir on the table. And over his head.

-He shit on my plate and he did it on purpose- he remembers.

What Sirius would want at that point is to destroy the envelope and ignore his mother's existence for another three weeks, until he was forced to return to London for the summer holidays. But the envelope is there, watching him and delaying the moment is usually of no use. He takes the wand out of his pocket."Reveal yourself" orders and the moment the ink appears, Sirius transforms like that message. The change in his mood is sudden and brutal.

From wine to vinegar. Sirius clenches his teeth and anyone who looks at him can see his features harden and sharpen. When he is like this, there are no many brave ones who dare to look at him. James hesitates for a second and then he realizes that it is absurd to fear his best friend and is about to ask what his mother tells him but he does not have time because of what happens behind Sirius: There is a group of Slytherin students. Lucius Malfoy and his friends, bringing their own tray, listening to Lucius strut, proud because he just found out that he was invited to the most important party of the whole season in London.

- Your mother is the greater organizer, Black. You should take advantage of the opportunity to get away from such ragged companies a bit.

The insult must be for Remus but neither he, nor James, nor Peter has time to think about it because when hate poisons him, Sirius moves fast and everything happens fast. He pushes the chair back, he gets up quickly, he takes out his wand, and in an instant, the plates and glasses of

Lucius's minions are on the ground and Lucius is holding his own wand, ready to respond to Sirius' next incantation.

He never gets to do it.

-Expelliarmus!- The voice is clear and the incantation precise.

From across the table, James makes Lucius's wand drop to the ground and when he sees Sirius's rarefied gaze, he also throws his with a second expelliarmus. There is a moment of tense fury that everything seems possible and the swords shine high but it fades away as soon as Professor McGonagall walks up to Sirius and sternly asks if "Something is going on that I have to fix". They spit through their teeth that nothing happens, and the Slytherins retreat to their places in silence.

The envelope Mrs. Black has sent is still on the table.

Sirius doesn't sit down again. He remains standing.

- May I know why you took my wand, Potter?

- You want to fight with that idiot in front of all the teachers? We're almost tied with Slytherin for the cup, man, we can't lose more points. - James tries to be vehement, he tries to get to that place where Sirius hears almost nothing. - Tried to help you, Pads.

- I do not need your help.

Their voices overlap. "Hey, don't pay it with me!" "Do not get where they don't call you!" "What the fuck is wrong with you mad idiot!" "Nothing that matters to you!" And only that dry, strained voice of Remus shuts them up.

- Stop.

Staring at Sirius.

- Enough is enough, Padfoot.

No more is needed.

Sirius takes the wand without bending down. With an incantation that he performs only with the fiery energy that anger gives to him, and a gentle movement of his hand. He stomps out of the dining room, like a huge black owl that does not want to be domesticated.

Remus, on the other hand, doesn't try to stop him. He knows that sometimes not even your best friend can save you from yourself. Reads the envelope when Sirius shadow disappears. An invitation to a spectacular party. The great feeling of the season in London. With the best magicians and wizards and witches from England invited. And a specification, of course.

"Muggles and Mudbloods are not allowed."

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