Just asking

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- Hey, Jimmy.

Sirius wears his "I'm going to ask you something" face.

- I am not going to leave you my invisible cloak so that you can rock and roll with some whore in the hospital wing. Then it smells funny, mate.

They drag the Quidditch equipment across the field. Tired, after training.

- It's not that, asshole. It's just a question.

James waits for the question, but Sirius thinks about it, staying himself silent for a while. It can't be good... But by the end, he drops it.

- Do you think it hurts for the girls?

-What did you just ask?

- If you think that it hurts. For the lasses, I mean.

He seems like he means it. Sirius. Sirius Black. Asking him about girls. And sex. To HIM!

- You mean ... the first time?

- Yes.

- How the hell am I going to know that, Padfoot? Here the official deflower of the school is yourself!

- I've never noticed. Anyway. I think it's supposed to be but, I don't know. Yo-you think it will be a pain like when you think you are going to die and you would rather in fact die rather than endure such agony, or as when I had to sit down to dinner at home? Or will it be more like "au, au, au" but then doesn't hurt so much?

It's the weirdest question James has ever been asked. They stand in the middle of the castle gardens with their boots slung over their shoulders, their rain goggles in their heads, face full of mud, and broom in the hand.

- I have no fucking idea.

- Yes, I thought so.

They go a few more meters. James wouldn't let that juicy matter go.

- What's the matter? That mysterious girl is a virgin?

Sirius meditates for a long time. James is sure that by the umpteenth time he will deny that there is any girl but what other explanation can there be to the strange behaviour of his? There is a girl, of course. It cannot be denied, there's definitely someone.

For this time, Sirius doesn't deny it.

- Well to tell the truth, man, I have no idea.

It is clear. There is a lass. And possibly, a spinster. Sure if she goes out with Sirius, not for long.


Oh, only if Prongs knew... I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! 5 AM around here, trying to cheer me up a lil. 

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