From Potter, To Lupin

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My parents have a head full of gnomes. Now they've come with the idea that we don't spend enough time together as a family. So they are planning a tour, mate, A tour through Britain! They want to take me to Stratford Upon Avon, who knows what the hell for. They say that I spend the entire year at school and they want me to "Enjoy myself a little." They want to head to Stratford in a short while to visit a muggle's home. From a dead muggle! A writer, surely you know him. My mother went to the muggle the-a-ter this past year apparently on a trip to London and now she's excited about some story called "Romeo and Juliet" that this muggle wrote. My father says that I should read it because women love it. He says that genuinely, ALL women like it very much indeed.

Do you know if Lily likes it too? If we go to Stratford, there sure be lots of Tellypones. Lily has one at her house, for sure. How are they used? No, do not tell me. If you tell me I'll use it and call her and I don't want her to think I'm desperate or something.

Although if I read to her "Romeo and Juliet" through the Tellypone, do you think that she would go out with me? Ah, Nevermind, it was just a question.

Hope you don't get too bored at Hogwarts. Personally, I'd entertain myself wondering whether or not killing Peter's owl would be an act of charity. Sometimes he writes to me TWICE a day. Merlin, man, it's suffocating. At this step, I will know more about Romania than Dracula. Metaphorically, of course. Okay then, in short terms, everyone knows that Dracula did not actually exist. Well minus the Muggles, I guess. In London, Sirius is climbing the walls but I suppose he already told you that, right?


Sirius hasn't told him but Remus tries not to mention his name when he responds to James, and thus avoid hearing the choking sound of his pain.

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