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It's two in the morning and Sirius feels himself being shaken away from a dream he doesn't remember well. Something about his mother appearing in Hogsmeade to chase him. He stays with half-open eyes in the dark. He makes out Remus's scent and his voice, barely audible, repeating his name.

- Sirius, I need you to lend me your bike.

He sits up in bed, still sleepy.

- The motorcycle? - The same motorcycle against which you rant because it is too dangerous and absurd and yara yara? - What have you been smoking, Lupin?

-Sirius- he repeats, with urgency left in his voice. - I need you to lend me the bike. Now. I have to get to London immediately.

There is a dramatic aura to him. Suddenly Sirius stops feeling sleepy and tired. In the dim night light, he makes out the familiar features of Remus. The straw-colored hair, the long line of the nose, the lower lip slightly more prominent, and the eyes, usually serene, that in that night they are flushed and swept with pain.

- I'll drop you.

For once, Remus doesn't try to contradict him. Waits in silence for him to get dressed and then he explains it, in a few sentences, on the way to the Shrieking Shack, in one of the intricate secret passageways of the castle.

-Dumbledore told me. She was very sick-.

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