Bark at me, but don't touch my hair

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Lily is in the library, looking for information for an essay on vampirism. She pays attention to a particularly thick volume out of the shelf that has in front and there he is, on the other side, staring at him and with not quite good intentions, Sirius Black.

- What's up, Evans? - He says by way of greeting.

- This is the first time I've seen you in the library, Black. Are you lost?

- I was looking for you.

Looking for her? It can't be good. It can't be any good.

- You say.

- It's about James.

No, it is not good.

- Well, talk to him.

- I've already done it. I have tried to convince him that all this distressing grieving for you is stupid and degrading. I told him, you see, that there are a lot of girls out there who frankly would be looking forward to a nice time with the number one Quidditch legend, but he's bolted. Lily this, Lily the other, and Evans this, and then that, so seriously, why you don't give it a try? I'm not saying it for him, you know? It's because of me, actually. If you don't go out with him and I have to keep hearing his whimpers, I'll have to wall my ears to rest and ...

What a lot of excuses.

- What have you really come here for, Sirius?

He gives up.

- Do you know this O'Neill from Slytherin? He does nothing but chase

Remus lately. An ugly lad.Lily nods in acknowledgment even though that this lad isn't ugly at all. Sirius's tone, looking up and down to make sure no one is around, he turns conspiratorial and secret.

- What do you know about him, exactly?

She smirks, puts the book back in its place, and chooses to ignore him.But she already knows that Sirius is stubborn as a caged animal and Remus has warned that when he is up to something, there is no other way. The interrogation lasts a good time. What if he is not to be trusted, who are his friends and since when he cares what happens to Remus and the rivalry between the houses and thousands of nonsense that Lily would rather not have to hear.

- Hey, am I the only friend of Remus who thinks it's worrisome that he actually fancy a Slytherin?

Lily knows she shouldn't say anything and that it is good for him to suffer SOMETHING in exchange for everything Remus suffers but she is tired of hearing him.

Remus will say him what he wants and call it "disproportionate instinct of overprotection" and Sirius will also say what he wants and argue that he just wants to protect one of his best friends from potential spies of Slytherin and other evils. But for Lily what is clear has a full name and it is much simpler.

Men. There is no one who knows anything about anything.

- Look, Remus doesn't like him, okay? So stop worrying about his intentions because he won't achieve anything. And now if you don't mind and also if you mind, I have to study.

She walks over to one of the tables, ready to finish her work without more distractions. Sirius sits opposite. "No please, hell no".

- So he doesn't fancy him, huh?

- No- tries to be dry. Cutting.

- And tell me, how much do you talk to him, who does he likes?

It's maddening.

- You want me to be frank?

- Totally.

- Absolutely sincere?

- Absolutely.

- Well, to be absolutely and totally honest, I don't understand how Remus can stand neither you nor Potter.

She walks away without looking back, leaving Sirius with signs of protest in the tip of the tongue.

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