Pedigree value

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Words appear painted on the wall, written in blood. The first to see it when they went to bed after dinner, are the little ones. lower grades. A second-year girl yells "Its blood!" and soon, a hysterical mob announces that they have killed someone. Remus and James go up on their way to their own room to see Sirius when Peter tells them. Disjointed face, sweating with panic, "They have written in blood!" In the changing stairs, in the access to Gryffindor. Letters that seem hanging in the air, because of some spell. Blood, yes. But not human.

- An animal- Remus clearly smells it upon arrival. - Its animal blood Prongs.

McGonagall and Dumbledore take hours to find a counterspell and make them disappear. Meanwhile, everyone who tries to go to Gryffindor's common room can read THE MUDBLOODS WILL FALL FIRST over the changing stairs. Boys from other houses come to see him with their eyes and James makes out Lily, pale as a corpse in the middle of that crowd. Far behind her, he recognizes an icy smile, pure, like snow, full of satisfaction and pride. Malfoy. He doesn't know how to control himself.

He has a meter left to get to him and break his face, feel his blood, damn, when Remus stops him.

-If you get expelled, James -his tone reminds the howl of the wolf- They'll just get what they wanted.

-Easy, Potter- Lucius tells him. With a high chin and poison in the eyes.-. You're not a half-breed, are you? Although you like Mudbloods.

What happens? Don't you know how to search in your same class?

- I deny belonging to whatever "class" you belong to, Malfoy.

- We must preserve the purity of magic, Potter. It's all I'm saying.

So gross. James is so grossed out that he could get sick right there.

- Not only you do not know what purity is, Lucius, but you also have no idea what magic actually is.

He leaves because he knows that if he stays he would have to strangle him. He will.

Remus drags mostly an unknown feeling of dirt inside, attached to the guts. Nausea takes hours to go away and during that time he cannot recover from the excitement of seeing Lily going from horror when looking at the message, to that hint of tears while listening to Malfoy. If Lucius understood anything about magic, that bastard son of a bitch, he would never make her cry because it is in those greens eyes were the only hope that James has that magic can actually transform the world into a better place.

The next morning, the message has disappeared and the school seems to regain some normality. No one except Dumbledore and McGonagall know there was a second hidden message after the first, with the same spell. Neither get to sleep that night.

- Dark times are coming, Minerva.

Professor McGonagall nods.

- Really dark times.

The message will never be erased from their memories, nor from the history of Hogwarts. Eight terrible words. 


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