Doubt is the origin of wisdom

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They are found next to the flying cups that serve Bloody Mary's for digestion and hungover. They still don't know what to say to themselves, but Remus prefers to be uncomfortable and with Sirius than comfortable with anyone else. He feels like he has Zonko's popping bubbles all over his stomach.

- Congratulations on winning the Cup.

- Me? You're a Gryffindor too, Moony.

- But we would not have won it without James and you in the quidditch team.

- That's true.

- Of course, we would not have lost so many points if it weren't for your punishments also.

- Hey, Lupin, if I want my balls to be sucked, I'd just join Malfoy over there.

"Are you sure you want Malfoy to touch you there?"

When Sirius laughs heartily, the world becomes a better place for wounded wolves.

- I don't know what to tell you, Remus- he smiles but with less humor, with something else... maybe a pinch more of melancholy than is usual in him around that time of the year. - I'm not sure of anything anymore.

Remus holds his breath.

- And that is bad?

Sirius doesn't answer. Sirius asks and maybe that's an answer.

- What are you going to do in the summer?

- Stay.

- Here?

He nods. Dumbledore has offered Remus to stay in Hogwarts as a sort of residence during the summer. He believes that he can help the house elves with some kinds of magic they may need. He thinks he needs a house, and that he cannot find it anywhere else, now that his granny is dead. Now that he is alone in the world.

- You mean, you stay at school and I have to put up with my mother. Obviously, someone is punishing me for my sins.

- Next time, you know what to do.

- Sin less?

It's a possibility. It's not the only one.

- Make sure nobody finds out, Sirius.

It may be the first time he's done it. Take a step like that. He doesn't even know what to call it. Flirt? Is that what he is doing? In any case, Sirius is speechless for a long time, and just because of that feeling of the power of the experiment, it is worth feeling the butterflies in his stomach.

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