Everyone has a werewolf best friend

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In the library, near the forbidden section, on the shelves above Magical Creatures, there is an ancient book that Sirius once read to prepare his foot-long essay of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but above all, to laugh at ease. It is entitled "Physiognomy and Characteristics of Werewolves: How to avoid them and what to do to recognize them. " Sirius has always thought it to be a hilarious example of what preconceptions idiots have about lycanthropy. Stupid from the first to last letter. The words that are repeated the most are "dangerous", "savage", "uncontrollable","incurable", "beasts".

That morning Sirius is holding it in his hands and he doesn't know exactly why. But he remembers a particular paragraph, in the fifth chapter and he feels the irrepressible urge to reread it.

"Under the influence of the moon, the werewolf does not own his own acts, He feels impossible to control impulses and morals, and the good and the bad cease to matter. The moon makes the son of the moon crave meat and he will only settle down for meat. "

One Two Three. Sirius rereads half a dozen times and then returns the book to his shelf.

He runs to meet James, lying on his bed in his room at Gryffindor tower. All alone.

- How is the hangover?

- Ssshhh, don't speak so loud.

He has a bad face. Sirius offers to go down to the kitchen so the elves can prepare him a hangover potion. James mutters a choked "please" and he also asks for something else.

- You know what I want, mate?

- What 'you want?

- Chocolate. Don't ask me why, but I woke up with some horrible necessity to eat chocolate.

Sirius hides a smile that he prefers not to explain and goes down for that potion. He turns the phrase in the book over and over. "The moon makes the son of the moon crave meat and he will only settle down for meat". In the kitchen, the elves give him three Honeydukes tablets and enough potion to bring back to life a horse.

When he returns to the room, James is asleep, and Sirius is not in the mood to wake him up, so he leaves it all on the nightstand.

- You know what, Potter? I'm dying for some chocolate too.

But all the elves have given him is black, and he's not sure if that calms the hunger he feels. The moon asks for something else, and it only seems capable to settle for that other thing. What Sirius still doesn't know is what thinks the chocolate of all this matter. About that, the books say nothing.

He only comes up with one person to ask.

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