Who laughs last...

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- YOU!

Sirius opens the common room door like a storm. Five o'clock and is full of students from all years finishing their homework. Sirius has a lot of homework to do, of course, because Sirius has spent the whole day cleaning the owlery. Without using magic, of course. McGonagall believed it was convenient to force him to do some physical exercise. "To burn the energy that he obviously has to spare ".

- YOU, LUPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A whole day cleaning up bird shit and Sirius could kill that demon werewolf. Kill him with his bare hands. It matters little that that expression - bare hands - that expression is enough for the desire to kill to diminish in favor of slightly less painful punishments yet just as physical. Doesn't matter. Black has been outwitted and the revenge has to be biblical. All the students, especially the little ones look at him slightly scared. And the culprit of his anger raises with his calm chill sight as if nothing was wrong. Idiot.


James hides his face in his books to hide his laughter. The very moron. The other - at the moment can't think of him as "Remus" because That appeases his anger and that's not what he needs - remains impassive.

- Owls shit? Seriously?

And all and all he is still mocking him? Sirius strides toward him. He puts the hands on the table. He stays an inch from his face. Three centimeters. It's his look threatening to him? He has managed to make grown men cry with that look. He's fixating too much on his downfall eyes and the glint of his tongue behind his lips but fuck it, it doesn't matter.

- What. In the fucking shit world. Have you. Written. Lupin.

- A love letter. Wasn't that what I was supposed to do?

Dumbass. He doesn't even seem the least bit scared.

-McGonagall hasn't been able to look me in the face!!!!!!!

He pulls away. If he keeps looking at Remus that closely, he's going to have to kiss him and he is still angry. This is not how this game is played.

- And you don't laugh, Potter!

- After the owl, you sent to the radio? I'm planning to laugh until Christmas.

- You were also into this shit? - Sirius asks indignantly.

- No. But seeing what I've seen, I regret it because I love this. Moreover, I like this so much that it makes me want to make soup of this.

- Bastards. - Sirius would bite them both until they begged you his mercy. - You two are a couple of bastards. That is what you are.

But above all, Oh yeah, he's thinking of making him PAY.

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