Neither yes or no, quite the opposite

30 2 0

The next morning, Remus comes down first for breakfast. He knows that Lily will be going over her homework at the Gryffindor table. He has to tell someone. He has to tell her. "I said to ride, Remus, not a drive". He has to tell her.

He tells her about it.

- Remus, he's flirting with you.

- Do you think so? I'm not quite sure about that. He does it with everyone. It's his way of talking.

- Remus, for God's sake.

-' Talks like that with Malfoy, with Snape, even with Dumbledore. Do you think that he's flirting with Dumbledore?

-No, but I think deep down in his own guts, Malfoy likes him-

- I don't know why I'm telling you anything.

Fifteen minutes like this. Finally, Sirius arrives for breakfast, with an epic headache. Lily and Remus immediately shut up and pretend that they weren't talking about anything important while Sirius forks out hangover dust made by himself according to his own recipe and adds them to the pumpkin juice. He waits until they crumble apart into the glass with his head sunk on the table.


- There is light. There is noise. There should be no light or noise. Why is there light and noise, Remus?

- Because it's daytime.

He takes the juice in one gulp without breathing.

- What were you talking about?

They both say it at the same time.

- Nothing of importance.

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