Those green eyes

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Only one. Just one exam –Transfigurations- and they will be free. The ending of exams. The doors of summer open and weeks without thinking about anything except how to have fun. Pupils contain the outbreak of joy until passing that last test but in most faces, a sense of relief begins to show itself. Naturally, not in the lean and concentrated face from Severus Snape. Repeating the incantation again and again with the mouse, there is no way to remove the tail. Of all subjects, the only one that gives him trouble is Transfigurations, but he prefers to think that he'd do better if he didn't give her that stupid all-Gryffindor-is-morally-Superior-and-I-don't-know-how to hide-my-hatred-for-Slytherin who is the teacher Minerva McGonagall.

-Incantorum est! -He repeats.

The rat is still a rat.

- Incantatum, Severus.

If there is one thing that gets him out of his mind, it is to be corrected. He prefers that they put a sharp parchment under his nails and, that with those very same nails, force him to scratch a chalkboard. When someone corrects him is always because somebody assumes is above him. It makes him feel pointless and tiny and exposed. He doesn't like to sit in the eye of attention and being Severus Snape, that attention 'been always negative. HATES IT.It is the first time that he is corrected by Lily Evans.

"Mudblood" he repeats himself. "Is just the dirty mudblood".

He experiences such a sense of wonder that he is unable to react. He doesn't know how it happens. One second he is focused on his rat and the next moment she raises her head from the book and approaches him -Him! And it's a Mudblood-. She looks at him with that strange expression that is always wearing and that some would call sweetness, and repeats "incantatum est" and the rest of the formula in flawless Latin. And she touches him. To direct his wand to the rat in a secure wrist move. She puts one of her tiny hands over the long, bony fingers of Severus and is dirty, the hand of a mudblood is touching him, when no one, least of all her, has ever dared to touch him. Three words form in his mind DO NOT TOUCH ME and then another three NO ONE TOUCHES ME and then nothing.

Then Severus repeats the spell. With the wand in the correct position and Lily Evans' hand directing his inner magic turns his rat into a squirrel and repeats zoos incantem transformatum as if someone was blowing in his ear what he has to do. The squirrel transforms in a cat -incantatum estiri zoos: Severus notices the impulse of magic in all corners of the body and he continues to recite- et aeternum zoos for that the cat becomes a mole -transformi aeream- into a bird -accio finitur incantorum- and in rat, again, with the last words of the spell.

-Wow, that was amazing, Severus.

Lily. Evans. Mudblood. Spell. Amazing. Severus watches the rat and he notices that the hand that was holding him moves away from him and suddenly returns to reality. He is at Hogwarts and there is an exam left and she has touched him and has made the best Transformation of his life. He is smiling. A little. It is a mystery why he smiles so much. He hasn't asked for her help, has he? Why is he smiling? It wasn't even her spell. "She must think that it's all his own merit". But is not. "Is it?" He had never gotten the figure of a bird, or even not so many in a row.

It was so strange. It didn't seem like he had to master magic. It seemed as if magic was dominating him.

- It was easy.

He doesn't want to say it out loud. He doesn't want to talk to her! He leaves without thinking about it. He is vaguely horrified at himself. Sweaty hands.

- When you do it right, magic is supposed to come out on its own.

And he does it again. That smiling thing. As if he didn't know perfectly that people do not smile at Snape, that they are in different houses, that there is no point in smiling, that she is a Mudblood and belongs to different classes, that they have never helped each other and that he hates her, and that she is absurd and useless and well, STRANGE that she tries to behave with good, how do you call that? Kindness or whatever. He might think that she's dumb if not he knew perfectly well that she is the best witch of her course; if she hadn't felt the magic of her during the enchantment and especially if they were not looking without judging those eyes so green, so big, so calm that they will haunt one way or another for the rest of his life. Severus is aware of it, suddenly, in that classroom, at that moment.

He wants to say something even though he has no idea what but he doesn't do it because he gets into his thoughts and kills them all except hatred, that unpleasantly familiar voice. In the distance.

-Get out of her sight, Quejicus.

Suddenly, He's filled with intense bile-flavored anger.


Approaching. With his bodyguard, of course. The arrogant bastard of Black and that flattering rat of Pettigrew, that ragged mongrel that kisses the ground the other two walk on. Every time he runs into them at Hogwarts, the castle grows cold, and he feels that he has been taken in fragrant peeing on top and with his ass full of shit. They enjoy humiliating him, those vermin. He doesn't want to stay and be his fairground monkey. He doesn't want to care. He does not want to feel excluded from somewhere he did not know he had been invited. He wants nothing except to stop putting up with idiots and run away.

- I don't need anyone to help me, Evans. And less someone like your kind.

He says it in a firm voice and loud enough for everyone to hear. He leaves the Great hall, rushing through the door. He is lucky to see Black's trip and dodge it and saves himself some humiliation of stumbling in front of Lily. Although he doesn't care what she thinks, of course. "Just a Mudblood. Only that".

-Sometimes I wonder why I don't ask him out- Sirius says, looking at the door Snape just left. -He has so much charm.

- Not counting - continues James - with the fact you can make candles with the grease of his hair.

Lily looks at them standing in the middle of the classroom, with an intense expression of disgust.

- You think you're better than him and no matter how hard I try, I can't see that I just can't.

She is so angry that her voice shakes slightly. That tremor shakes James from head to toe. He takes a couple of steps closer to her, lowers the tone of his voice, he loses strength and height and it seems that he would want to get on his knees to speak to her so that she would listen to him.

-I, We, would never humiliate you for being what you are, Lily. Maybe in that, we are better-

- I do not know why. You humiliate him just for that.

There is such a deep silence in the classroom that they begin to hear each other thoughts. Higher and higher. James can barely stammer. "That is not ... that's not ..." he turns to Remus for support. Tell him it's not about that. But the silence of his friend speaks louder than words.

- Make no mistake, Potter- when Lily utters all the words, they pierce him and hurting so badly. - 

That your friends accept you- he also points to Sirius with his eyes-, and they love you enough to bear your childishness does not justify you to continue being as a kid. Don't mistake tolerance for applause, Potter. And don't mistake applause for respect. Is not the same.

She walks off the way Snape left a minute before and maybe time means nothing because when she walks through it even the door seems to have grown to make way for it.

- Call me deluded, Prongs- James hardly heard Sirius's voice- But I'm starting to think that she might fancy you.

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