The Meeting place (Part 2)

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His guts are churning inside him. And it can't be lunch because Remus hasn't been able to swallow anything. The bloody knot in his stomach doesn't leave him alone. They have let him be in the hall to welcome them. The knot, damn, prevents him from breathing normally and must be due to the lack of ventilation in the crowded room. So that each student who sees with slightly longer hair than usual causes a sudden rise in his blood circulation, until the student in question turns around and turns out not to be him.

- Remus!!!!!!!!

A familiar voice. And a smiling face. He has never been so glad to see Lily in his life. He makes his way through the crowd of Griffyndor and Remus finds her prettier than eight weeks earlier. It must be the hairstyle and that contagious smile that could light up London in winter.

- Hi, Lily.

She has to stand slightly on tiptoe to hug him. The contact with her body makes the knot loosen a little. It's not much but it turns out soothing.

-Good heavens, Remus, have you grown more?-

-I'm sorry - Lily separates a little but remains in his arms - I promise it was unintentional.

- Someday you will have to stop because I refuse to wear heels.

She has a new hairstyle and her hair is curlier than normal. Now they have seen each other again, he can admit how much she has missed the good sense of humor, that endless hair, the murmur talks in the library, and the hugs that make him feel welcomed and safe.

- I missed you too. -Sink his face into hers. She becomes thousands of red hair locks plummeting to the ground, in comparison to his, sticking out excitedly in all directions. - You cut your hair?

- There was an incident with a pair of scissors. I'm afraid it didn't go well. Is a sad story to go into details.

-It suits you very well- concludes Lily, and it is not true, but she adds, -You are very handsome- while she touches his bangs and pushes it away from his face, taking the opportunity to get closer and with the excuse of giving him a welcome kiss on his cheek, she whispers something that makes Remus' calm to evaporate, resign, pack his bags and leave the castle for the rest of his life.

- And surely Sirius thinks the same because, don't look, but he just saw you and has the same face as you when you walked into Honeydukes for the first time.

Lily gently pulls away and the knot in his stomach twists his guts with such force that Remus is sure that he will not survive. Turns his head and god, all the reasons he's ever had to love him, everything that has been said, he has felt, moved, made laugh and moved mixes and poisons for him to fall in love with him from the start, from the head to toe, left and right and upside down. Sirius looks at him, four meters away.

His presence is an electric shock. He gets closer with James, and those steps that Remus sees in slow motion are the smooth movement of the tectonic plates approaching. Ocean and land closer and closer preparing for an inevitable and transformative crash.

- Stop rubbing on him, Evans, - says Sirius - in this school there are rules about things that can be done in public.

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