Lily lion's heart

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Gryffindor girls are dumb.

It is the only conclusion that can be reached by listening to them speak. Their conversations consist of deciding which of the school guys have the prettier hair, what color robes are worn in London, or what is the latest

proposal made by Madame Lorelai in her weekly column about "Witch's Weekly" Beauty Potions. The last "furore" is a potion that not only makes your hair stay straight for three days and four nights, it also provides a blush on the cheeks for a week. The girls from Lily's room assure that the result is very natural.

Lily, who has seen the consequences of following the advice of that crazy witch on the cheekbones of her fellow students thinks there are more farmhouse pigs with a more sophisticated color. But they don't ask her how flattering it is. They just ignore her. except when an exam is coming up and they need someone to help them out. Then lily becomes automatically their best friend.

Worst? When they talk about the most beloved topic. Guys! Usually, they huddle around one of the popular girls. Usually Sabine Lingwood. A brunette with honey-colored eyes and long curly eyelashes that she believes that her arrival in this world was the greatest event of history since the wedding of Arthur and Ginevra.

As she finishes dressing, Lily tries to pay little attention. But it's not easy. They shriek aloud.

- Come on, Sabine, tell us about it!

After lingering and holding the interest, Sabine, of course, ends up telling the story. Don't-know-who-boy and Sabine had dated at Hogsmeade. She knew what he wanted, and took her close to the Shrieking Shack, and blah, bah, blah he kissed very well. Giggles are heard at that point, and Lily tries to brush her hair quickly to flee to her four-poster bed and close the curtains as soon as possible. Picks her hair up in a bun and leaves. She doesn't want to listen to anyone's love affairs or listen to advice

Sabine gives to her followers.

- We're not serious about dating, okay? If we were seeeriously dating, I would not have let him to led me to the forest, silly.

The chorus wants to know why not.

-Because if you let a boy do all that to you, he no longer wants to go out with you. So if you really want to date a guy, you can't let him unbutton your shirt.

It is vomiting. It's disgusting. It's ... no words. Lily wonders how someone smart enough not to pee on her bed could be so superficial. Once upon a time, Lily and Sabine were friends. Best friends. In a long, long past, before her puberty turned her into a frivolous bitch excessively proud of herself. It was a painful distancing and culminated in a discussion of which Lily still remembers the details, the poisoned, hurtful words.

She screamed.

"- Are you only interested in boys?!?!"

Sabine screamed.

"- At least I'm not scared to learn things that are not in the books!!!!"

Now they hardly speak.

- You see- continues Sabine- most of the boys our age, I don't know if they can be asked for more than they give of themselves. That's why I always go out with older boys.

No Please. Again the story of that Auror trainee no, please.

She has heard the story a thousand times. A thousand hundred times.

- From the schoolboys, you can only get what you can get.

One of the Lindley sisters says "a bummer!" and the other, the darkest-thought one, adds, "a nasty roll!" Lily ties her shoes mentally counting up to one hundred. Her companions make - AGAIN - the list of who-is-the-most-good-looking among the boys in their class. AGAIN and as always, they all sigh and groan when it comes to Quidditch players like, for example, Sirius -sighs, someone screams to add dramatism-. Sabine boasts of her ten minutes soaring in the dark with him for months.

-At least, the only thing that can be asked of Black, is that it can be asked a lot of times.

They laugh as if their brains are short of air. And of course, talking about Sirius means to end up talking about James. Sabine, HOW NOT, also has a story to tell with him as the protagonist. She tells it like it's great merit to have managed to hook up with the two of the same course. She is so proud of the fact that James had kissed her in front of everyone during the dance in their third year. She loves to tell how the Quidditch star invited her, but she forgets the little details. 

For example, that James had asked Lily before and that he was drunk as a vat when he kissed Sabine.

"And what difference does it make to me".

Sabine and James never dated again. Sabine explains to her faithful followers that there is a very simple reason for that.

- I already told you, I was not interested in that plan. He's handsome but he's a kid. As soon as they get what they want, they leave. And James Potter is deffo' not an exception.

- So why did you go out with him, Sabine?

Lily sees the allegedly lewd expression on her face when she responds and all laugh.

- Because I also got what I was interested in, you fool.

Ready for her classes, Lily picks up the books and leaves the room, surrounding the ring of girls who ignore her. Sabine watches her as she marches but neither of them says anything. They used to be friends. But that was a long time ago. Sabine's favourite hobby is to make out with stereotypical cute boys. Lots and lots of guys since then.

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