Used to be a simple game

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The jet from the shower, in the bathroom of the older students, falls with strength. Tighten the scars, heal the wounds of the soul, soothe all that hurts. Elves add potions against foot fungus and foams of joy so that students sleep better. James always showers in the early afternoon. And he always sings.


"Yesterday" cover by James Potter, version number one million. Sirius holds on a smile as he strips off his clothes and grabs a towel.

-Potter there is an owl out there - he is talking as he approaches the showers. - It is written: "Don't fuck up my songs". Signed, some John Lennon guy.

But James wouldn't be James if he were the least bit unfazed by the criticism.

- WHY SHE GO, I DON ́T KNOW, SHE WOULDN ́T SAYYYYYYY!!!! - He sings out of tune, takes a breath, and adds, losing completely any tone, if there was one- Yesterday...

Sirius puts the towel down on the benches and steps into the shower. They welcome him the warm steam and out-of-tune notes of The Beatles. James and for the first time all day, Remus welcomes him. Nearly leaving. Wet. With the hair in the face and the body striated by scars that Sirius remembers touching. Naked. Still. Tall.

And it's not that he ever noticed before, he can swear it, but he has to admit it, Remus's pulling handsome. Sirius Black, who never thinks twice a sentence, doesn't know what to say. And when he says something, it's so stupid that he better not have said it.

- I was going to shower.

That Remus says at the same time another nonsense, - "I was showering"- makes him feel better. But not much.

- Hello Sirius- James takes his head out of the shower, without glasses, trying to focus the gaze. He gives up and attacks again - YESTERDAY !!!!!!!!!!! - he insists. - LOVE WAS SUCH AN EASY GAME TO PLAYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!

"Very convenient, pal".

He doesn't know what to say to him. He hates having Remus face to face and not knowing what to say. Hates it.

-Why is he so happy?

- Figured out what to do by the end of the course.

- Oh, great.


It's the most idiotic conversation he's ever had with anyone while being naked. The mist rises from the ground. He would love to be able to look away from Remus a second to stop looking at the drops of water that were swinging at his tip of the nose, chin, and lower lip but then he would have to look at some other part of his body and better not have known that good to know while that was their situation. And James, damn it, is not capable of shutting the hell up.


Maybe the Beatles wrote all their songs for moments like this.


-Well, I was just leaving- says Remus.

And Sirius has to step aside to make it happen, and what the fuck if he wants to look at the line of the legs and the width of the shoulders and the reddish scars on Remus Lupin's ass as he leaves. Because Sirius does what he wants, end of discussion. That. Quite convincing.

- Have you finished, Potter? Paul McCartney is crying. Have a little mercy.

- Oh you better shut up. My singing is faaar better than yours.

- James, even I know that frogs sing better than me.

- You're not saying a whole lot. In case you haven't noticed, in this school, frogs are actually part of the choir.

Sirius spends almost an hour in the shower. Long after James has left he surprises himself touching his parts, half erect, with his eyes closed. He asks himself if it's different if a lad or a lass does, and if Remus has done that many times, and if he does it thinking about him it would be very different do it to another guy instead of himself, and if "turning the page" includes cumming in the shower thinking that kind of thing.

He assumes not.

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