Are you the screaming or the moaning type?

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- THEY ARE GOING TO KILL US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It takes at least half an hour to calm Peter down, convince him that whatever he has seen and that he is only able to describe in fits and starts - a monster, a snake, a heart beating on the ground, eyes that glisten, blood-, it's nothing but a nightmare. In the end, McGonagall brings a calming potion to make him rest, and all the students go back to their beds, muttering in their pijamas.

- And why are you two dressed? - James asks them.

- We were sexually assaulting each other on the stairs. - Remus's heart stopped for a second until he realizes that James doesn't react at all. - But you keep interrupting us. I'm starting to get upset if I tell you the truth.

- That's for doing it at school. - James yawns and goes back to bed, with half-drooping eyes. Despite his talent for problems, he is the naivety personified. - Next time you go to the Shrieking Shack.

He skilfully climbs onto his bunk and falls face down, practically asleep.

- It's not a bad idea...- Sirius shoots Remus a suggestive look. - We can test if the house deserves the name. Are you the screaming or moaning type, Moony?

- I might remind you, that the house is called like that because of me.

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