The Lake

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Hogsmeade. They know the village too well. From the bad illuminated corners from the Leaky Cauldron to the surprises that Zonko's hide. One by one, they have tried all the Honeydukes sweets and there no longer are new flavors to explore with eyes closed. Third April week dawns in an unusually warm day, and the south wind invites everyone to get away from the hustle and buzzle from the people, looking for different landscapes and more of their own. They are guided by James, through a little-traveled trail that dies on a hill from which Hogwarts is nothing more than a fuzzy stain on the horizon. 

Below, it shines and winks, a small and uneven lake, to which they agree to go to, almost crawling down, the four of them together. It's noon when they reach the shore and the heat reverberates on the surface of the water. James hardly has to look at Sirius. They anticipate each other's behaviors, they read each other's minds, they challenge each other to know who will do it first to the lake, while they take off their clothes while running.

Sirius reaches the shore first. - Ladies and gentlemen ... - he proclaims as if speaking to an impatient audience, before a big show. He takes off his boots without helping them with his hands. He then takes off his shirt. He drops his pants accompanied by the underpants altogether. -One of the seven wonders of the world!- He howls. With the arms outstretched, in full sunlight, completely naked. - Sirius Black!

Draws a perfect curve in the air. Bring his arms together as he goes down, to end going through the water as if a hidden force absorbed him. With athletic perfection that Remus watches from the shore, as James throws himself after him yelling "Yewhaaaa" and Peter falls splashing with water all that is between the lake and Hogwarts.

Sirius shoots out and Remus realizes that he has been holding his breath until then, as if he was also under the bottom, caught in the algae.

- Fffffuck! - He shakes his hair away from his face- It's freezing! - He stands where he bottoms. Drops of water were falling from his chest and everything. It seems that he will always be young. Suddenly, he looks at some point in the water, right in front of him.

- OMG, a giant eel! - feigns a mortal fright and immediately afterward, downplay it. Joke - Ah, no, it's me, I'm naked.

The bath lasts just under ten minutes. Enough time to make James believe that Lily is coming and joining them in the lake. Long enough for Sirus to ask Peter if it wasn't for "that little thing "for what they call him Wormtail. Long enough for Remus to enjoy from the shore, with his heart in his stomach.

- You should try, Moony. - He comes out of the water after a while. Dries the face and arms with his own t-shirt. - Wonderful.

- I do not have a doubt. No doubt, in fact.

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