Denial made dog

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His nose starts to itch first in Transformation class. An hour later, in Care of Magical Creatures, the first sneeze rumbles in the chest like a typhoon. The mandrakes in front of him scream like hysterical devils when he fills them with drool. Nonetheless, during the meal, Sirius states emphatically that he does not intend to go up to the hospital wing. No matter how much James and Peter and Remus insist because they are a bunch of babies who are scared of nothing.

- Furthermore, I never get sick.

It actually sounds more like "I nefer get fick". In Divination, he notices a vague pain in the bones but associates it with herbs that burn in class to "open the third eye". When he comes down the stairs for a seminar on Occlumency, he feels that they are getting deeper and deeper and magically altered to keep circling and round and round at the same rate as his head. He has to admit that he is having a hard time focusing his gaze and the dizziness turns his guts but it's okay if he has to lean against the wall for a second. Not that it means that he is sick. Although in the distance, a familiar voice asks if he is well and sends him immediately to the hospital wing until he recovers. It's Mr. Flitwick's voice, or so he thinks. He is not ill, NATURALLY, but he doesn't have to give up skipping a class, isn't he? When he tries to nod, his head weighs down like it's full of liquid mercury. It all seems very, very far away.

- Yes, Professor.

He has a hard time talking with that tension and that pain in his throat but no. he is.not.sick.

- I'm Professor McGonagall, Mr. Black.

He manages to focus his gaze, not without effort. Distinguish the hat from the peak, a long tunic and a certain angry expression of severity. Maybe

He is a little sick, after all.

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