Unexpected Triumph

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Ever since they met, James and Sirius have always gambled. Always. For the most unthinkable things. For how long can Peter go without peeing after three beers, who of the Beatles has the longer hair on the cover of Sargeant Pepper, by how many times McGonagall says "therefore" in a Transfiguration class, who runs the fastest, for whom he is capable of doing better performances on the broom. They bet three fire whiskeys that James can't steal the snitch of the team. Three galleons are bet that Sirius fails to enchant the teacher's table so he sneezes every time Dumbledore says "socks". They bet on the possible and the impossible and neither of them is able to resist the call of a challenge when the other says "no".

- I dare you to go down to the Common Room only your boxers.

They stare into each other's eyes. James measures Sirius's gesture. Hears Peter's laugh drowned from his bunk, and out of the corner of his eye, he can see that Remus narrows his eyes. If he were one of those who say those things, would definitely say "cut the crap kids".

- In boxer shorts?

Sirius nods. He is convinced that James is going to let the matter down. James tries to think what he can ask Sirius in return. It's midafternoon, most likely there aren't many people in the Common Room yet. But soon it will begin to fill with students. And McGonagall will happen to do her usual inspection.

- I dare you to come down with me only in your boxers.

Thirty seconds. They look at each other, they strut, they graduate, and before Remus says "you are not going to do it for real", they are running towards the door, taking off their shirts and unbuckling their belts. Going down the stairs, hurrying up, barefoot, and struggling to get to the fireplace. The four or five students who are playing chess, finishing their homework, and chatting quietly, open their eyes wide enough to get their eyeballs off when they can see the two Gryffindor seventh-year students, non the less than the quidditch stars of school, in little more than boxer shorts. Red, in Sirius's case. And curiously, green in the case of James.

- You won't be Irish, Prongs.

- You won't be on fire down there.

- You wish.

They sit in the winged chairs in front of the fireplace. As if the incredulous looks of the students did not mean anything. There is a third-year girl who blushes violently and comes out more or less running towards the girl's room, muttering an apology. The rest, after a few moments of surprise, burst into nervous giggles.

Obviously, faced with something like this, the voice does not take long to spread and three minutes after then, the Common Room fills up with Gryffindor students moving out of curiosity and, in the case of quite a few girls, quite a bit immoral purposes. James fears that McGonagall will appear soon and hopes that Sirius freaks out earlier because the thought of being grounded for a week isn't especially attractive. But McGonagall doesn't arrive, but possibly who came is worse.

- EXCUSE me, for God's sake. Is it possible to know what is happening... -she sees them -here?


Wearing her prefect's badge, she appears pushing her way through the small crowd and she soon sees them. Sitting in the winged chairs. In only their underpants. James tries to calculate how it can damage his image from "Boy I'd like to date." He imagines that it can be quite harmed. Sirius, remarkably pleased with himself, rises to his feet and greets them all too effusively.

- Evans! Ladies and Gentlemen... -Excessively cheerful. - We thought you wouldn't come.

- May I know what you are ...? - But she thinks better of it. - Whatever, it doesn't matter at all. - Sirius is about to interrupt to explain. - I DUNNO want to know it! I want you to go up to your room and wear something decent on top. Or, in your case, and if decency is too much to ask, at least SOMETHING.

- I think we're pretty decent.

James feels an internal debate. On the one hand, if he gets up, he will have to be almost naked in front of Lily. And just with THE SIGHT of her, it is possible that his body betrays him and makes him look ridiculous in front of every Gryffindor present. But on the other hand, he cannot allow Sirius to be there, speaking with her in his underwear and he still sitting on the couch. It is a bet, and mostly, it is Lily. Who knows? He may never be nearly naked and so close to her.

So he gets up.

- Hi, Lily.

- My God.

She may be angry. Maybe not. If anything, she seems exasperated. She shakes her head, not believing what she is seeing. James would feel bad for giving her a hard time but he can't. Lily, when she is furious, it is a spectacular landscape. Her lips fill with blood and she swallows hard and looks like she is about to boil. James is drawn like a moth. He wants to burn in her. A part of him wants to make her furious. And see how she reacts. Somewhat provoke a fracture to let himself into her.

-Sirius and I were trying to figure out who was taller. We were going to take off shoes only, but we have been getting excited. What do you think? It's me the tallest? I think so.

-You definitely could be- Sirius intervenes, -but I have the hugest arms, and I'm stronger than you.

- It is true, but it is due to the exercise of so much shaking it.

- Don't be like that, James, you have an ideal ass. Why don't you show us?

Lily, who has attended the conversation getting angry by the second, she chews "don't even think about it" as Sirius says the magic words.

- I dare you to take your boxers down, Jimmy.

It is like saying "Avada kedavra" in front of a dying person. There is no escape. Remus, who just came down the stairs at that moment, knows what will happen. Sirius, who sees the accepted challenge in the look of his best friend, knows what's going to happen. Lily, who can't believe that someone could be able to do it, prays it doesn't happen.

And no one listens to her prayers.

In the blink of an eye, James Potter is naked in front of her and Lily doesn't know if she wants to shout, "GET DRESSED!" or run away after punching him in the face for him to regain some common sense. "This is not happening". Breathes deep down and tries very hard to keep her eyes high, more or less directed at the tapestries that adorn the walls. Among the students congregated, there is applause -of boys, in their majority-, laughter and other comments that Lily prefers to ignore. An eliminate from her brain. Forever.

- I'll only tell you once. - Looking at the tapestries, sincerely. - Get dressed now, Potter.

- If you go out with me.

- Pardon me?!

Her proposition surprises her so much that Lily looks away from a Godric Gryffindor hand-embroidered portrait and meets his gaze. Serious mistake. Her eyes involuntarily move a little lower and although she withdraws them immediately, he has seen her watch.

- Go out with me and I'll get dressed. One time. Like in a date. And if you don't want to go out with me after that, I will not ask you more. You just say yes and these poor students won't have to take another second of my ass. I only ask you once...

- Fine!

James never gets to finish his sentence and say "chance" because THAT'S has been a yes.

- What did you just ...?

-By Holy Merlin, Potter, DRESS THE HELL UP!

He finally reacts, pulls up his underpants, feeling bloodless in his brain. She has said yes. Angry, blackmailed, exasperated, blushed, but Lily has said YES.

- Congratulations, Jimmy. You undoubtedly know how to conquer women.

Sirius pushes him into the boys' room after running up the stairs, and James takes several hours to start digesting it. He is going out with her. He is going out with Lily Evans. He's just won the best bet of his entire life.

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