Resurrection Saturday

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Every weekend Remus catches up with homework and/or takes a break to read something from his collection of muggle novels. He has a corner in the library that is almost always unoccupied and likes to think of it as his. He has good views of the outside gardens and is quite sheltered between the shelves so that no one bothers him. He does not have to share a table with anyone and can fill it with books and scrolls and spend Saturday hours reading and writing, in a world that it is his alone and has always offered him shelter. Peace. And calm.

- Is this where the bookworm hides?

Although he may not need calm if you can have him. Listen to his voice and all the nerve endings in his body tickle. The scars sing and dance.

He raises his face from the book.

Sirius has his just-woken face. In most people, it is not an overly flattering moment of the day. In it he is fantastic, pulling to spectacular. He hasn't combed his hair but he never needs it because he spends fingers between his hair and it is enough to cause sighs in the corridors. He wears his weekend jeans and he sits leaning his ass to the end of the seat, with legs spread. It is a position that results highly provocative. It's the first time he's seen him since ... well, since last night. And he just ran out of saliva. With a dry mouth and the heart in a fist.

- I've been looking for you all day, Lupin. Anyone would say you want to give me a skip. I don't know what do you have in defence of that.

- But you've been sleeping all day.

- Fake. I've been awake for at least half an hour.

- That means you've been looking for me, how long? Five minutes?

- Ten. Ten long minutes, Lupin. Maybe eleven. You will see, but my Grandfather, who must be begetting an even tan in hell, said that "Whoever keeps a Black waiting, does not deserve the honor of being in his presence".

- Pity I didn't meet him. He seems amiable.

Among Remus's scrolls, there is a thick book that has been reading for the last hour and a half, while he wondered what would happen exactly once Sirius woke up. As he wondered, to be exact, what they are now, that they are not exactly what they were. Now what the morning after is a fact and they can't turn away. Friends, best friends, lovers, lovers who are friends, friends who are lovers, boyfriends? Sirius has never had a girlfriend, how can he have a boyfriend? Now, with him in front of all those questions, they make a knot in his stomach.

Sirius flies Remus's book to his side of the table, with a movement of the wrist and without using the wand. He has more magic potential than most of the school students together. He kinda terrifies Remus.

- Let's see what kept you entertained. - Read reluctantly, mocking every word. - "There have been no better or worse times; they were years of good sense and madness; time of faith and unbelief; a season of light and darkness; spring of hope, winter of despair; we had everything before us, and there was nothing; everybody's going straight to Heaven and going in the opposite direction. "- When he finishes the first sentence, he huffs in exaggerated disgust and reads the name of the author on the cover. - Charles Dickens, what a prick. I can not believe that you made me look for you for reading this bullshit.

He closes the book and licks his lips. Everything is a game. Everything is a provocation. He is looking for a fight, entertainment. Doesn't matter to Remus. Sirius is looking for him. And he knows that he always finds him.

- You are an insult to culture, Sirius Black.

-You would offend me if you weren't a jellyfish, -he underlines every word- skinny, -every provocation- big nose, -each syllable- compliant, - even end up worst- and nerd.

He could be saying anything else. Could be saying obscenities in his ear because the effect on Remus is the same. Hot. Steam. Rigidity. Remus leans on the table, approaches him until they are a few centimeters distance from each other.

- If you want to offend me, you're going to have to be more original. You insult like a lady.

An ordeal. Sirius's gaze shines.

- Eat my cock, Lupin.

- Impossible. In the library, you have to shut the fuck up, and you are the moaning type.

He pulls on his tie so fast that Remus doesn't have time to think about it before colliding with the humidity of a kiss that consumes him without preliminaries, he appears out of nowhere and becomes tongue upon tongue, wet and panting in seconds. When they separate, Remus's mind is cloudy and his muscles are liquefied. Sirius licks his lips and looks at him as if he doesn't exist anything outside of them, that table and that library.

He speaks in a deep voice, looking up and down, about to make huge mischief.

- This is the first time I have found something interesting in a library.

Remus laughs heartily and realises that it doesn't matter what they are.

Friends, lovers, boyfriends, or something else. Whatever they are, whatever they decide to call it, they will always be that. Remus and Sirius. Nothing more and nothing less.

- Quidditch- murmurs Sirius, indicating that the hour of the training is near. - I have to go. But I'm not done with you Moony. - He ducks his head, seeks for his lips for a sudden and deep kiss, and Remus's face is tickled with his hair. He wants to put his fingers inside it and keep kissing him but Sirius pulls away, warning that "We haven't started yet."

- I hope so.

Sirius smirks wickedly and walks off humming something that sounds like "Mrs. Robinson". He doesn't look back when he collides with Snape and his books of potions fall to the ground with a crash.

- Look where you're going, Quejicus. You have to try to save us the disgust to bump into you.

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