Nobody waits for me

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-WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!

The train whistles.

- I'M HERE!!!!!!!!

Peter drags his many trunks, 3 owls, one toad, and a snake in a terrarium with effort.

- Wait for me, I'm here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sirius sticks his head out the window.

- Do you always have to arrive at the bloody last minute?!

- I'm close now!!! WAAAAAAIT!

James sticks his head out the same window.

- For the love of Merlin, Peter, RUN!!!!!!!!

With everything trembling in a pile threatening to collapse, Peter tries, but his friends are at the last compartment and it costs him to get there. The train is starting to put the machines running. Sirius yells at him.


He arrives at the last minute, almost falling to the rails. He stumbles with the six suitcases and everything, and so he ends up kissing the floor on the train on their way to Hogwarts just in time. It takes half an hour for him to catch his breath. His friends accompany him to accommodate his so many lumps, avoiding other students.

- Weren't you thinking of waiting for me? - Peter complains.

The reproach is soon forgotten. As soon as he begins to reel off his (numerous) anecdotes about Romania.

-You have told us by letter a hundred times, Peter.- James tries to be cutting but loving.

- Already- Peter concedes. - But you haven't seen the pictures I got!

- Holy Merlin, this is going to be the longest trip of my life- Sirius murmurs, sighing and looking through the window, the English Cotswolds as they head north.

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