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Remus looks for her as soon as he arrives from Hogsmeade. It is not difficult, but it takes a long time for him to find her. His chest burns. It has been about to tell him. Ready. And now the feelings are so close to the skin they will come out like the wolf, at any moment. God, his whole body burns, and also things that are not the body.

- I love him.

Lily lifts her head from her homework. She is alone in the library. Remus sits in front.

- I have to finish this, Remus. Can you wait five minutes?

- I can't believe it. I want him desperately.

It's the first time he's said it. With all the letters. Aloud.

- Sirius. I know, Remus.

- I can't take it anymore, Lily. I love him from day one at Hogwarts express and I assure you it was unbearable then. I love him since I forgot potions homework on the first week of class and he gave me his, and when the teacher told him why he hadn't made them, he was horrified and said "I didn't know that I had to do it!" - Lily listens to him, without getting upset. - 'Has dirty clothes all over the room, has dirty clothes in places in the room that I didn't know existed. He's a pig, Lily. I swear. He's rude and he's irrational and makes quick judgments and pays for it with who is never the guilty one. He is stubborn, has a bad character, and only thinks about himself. In the fourth course, he invited three girls to the ball!

- I know. He made out with all three of them.

- Do you see what I'm saying? What am I doing loving him, Lily? - to the edge of despair but without falling into it. - What do I do?

-I have no idea- she says sincerely.

-I love him when he sings in the shower, and I assure you that he sings worse than a dying hippogriff. You don't know what it's like to sleep in the next bed... Knowing that he is naked under the covers and hearing ...

Lily cuts him off before she knows too much.

- No details Remus, I'm begging you.

- I thought I loved him half an hour ago, but in the time it took to find you, I think I love him more. And he's worse every day, seriously. And I don't know what I'll do with all this, but I have no idea of how to make it stop. How, Lily, how do I make it stop.

Now he's done. Relieved. Unburdened. Lily listens patiently and cannot do anything, but it's okay, it that helps someone listen. The words that are left unsaid can weigh too much. Remus feels that he has lifted off the weight of the soul from him.

- Are you feeling better?

-Yes- he says frankly. - I think so. Temporarily.

Then Lily puts her homework aside, sits up, and sighs, between resigned and determined.- For the record, I think Sirius Black doesn't deserve you. Clear here? - Remus nods and Lily continues. - And, if you leave together, it would be pedophilia because I don't think Sirius is more than three years old intellectually. It is understood? - Again, Remus nods. - That said, and only because I admit that a part of me believes that the poor bastard makes you happy, there is one thing you need to know. - Remus couldn't listen with more attention. - And it is that Sirius Black does not touch you.

- Beg your pardon?

He makes that face. He plays it often. As if thinking "But how bloody blind you've been, Remus. "

-Look- she explains- Sirius is like some kind of a doggy or something like that. He communicates by contact, do you understand? He spends all day hugging James and "now I touch your hair and now I hug you and now I'm patting your ass".

-Haven't you been paying too much attention to how he touches James?

She ignores him.

- But with you, it's different, Remus. He doesn't touch you.

- And why exactly should that make me happier than unfortunate?

He narrows his eyes exaggeratedly, but when she speaks, Lily is too sweet for her own good.

-Good heavens Remus, wake up. In six years of college how many times have you seen me touch that idiot James Potter?

He tries to, but doesn't remember any.

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