A Tailor Suit of Modesty

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Sirius protests.

- This is humiliating.

James protests.

- This is more than humiliating.

They protest together.

- Embarrassing.

- Insulting.

They agree. Unfortunately, Mrs. Potter doesn't have the same opinion.

- Be still or I'll end up sticking a pin where I shouldn't.J

ames begs for mercy with a sense "Mom, have mercy" but Sirius is sure that stubbornness is something inherited through his mother, because the woman does not give up and does not stop taking measurements, dressing, and undressing them. Upon some ridiculous little chairs, they have to stay up all afternoon. It's bad enough when she measures them up for a few gowns for the Yule Ball that they DON'T want but worse - oh yeah, so much worse- when ON TOP they have to do hangers for the last orders that have been made. Mrs. Potter - Sirius just find out- she is one of the most on-demand dressmakers in the wizarding world.

- This is horrible.

- It's a beautiful dress, honey.

- For a girl!

- Well, be still, now we are done. Look at Sirius, how little he protests.

- With all due respect, Mrs. Potter, it is because I am considering seriously the possibility of returning to my house.

- Silly stuff.

And she keeps sticking pins, taking hems, forcing them to adopt the most ridiculous postures - now open arms, now spread legs, now chin up.

- If anyone finds out about this at Hogwarts, James, I will be forced to kill you to maintain my reputation as a bad-tempered student.

- Don't protest, at least the skirt suits you. Mine makes me a huge ass.

Sirius mutters to himself "this is not happening." But he already believes that it is happening because around four thirty the potter's chimney explodes in a cloud of floo powder, and several clients of Mrs. Potter arrive from London can attest between stunning looks and evil laughter disguised, that IS HAPPENING.

- James, I want you to cast a memory spell on me when this is finished.

- Impossible. I'll be too busy killing myself.

At six thirty three minutes, they are saved by the compassion of lady Potter, who is tired of sewing, and James's owl, who arrives from Hogwarts at that moment with scrolls for both of them. One week left so that school begins and if the owl hadn't had to go to Romania and was exhausted, dehydrated, and malnourished, waiting for the Hogwarts' mail would be a lot less agonising.

- If you have complaints, Padfoot, buy your own owl.

- You're wearing a woman's shirt, James, don't give me lessons.

Thanks to his parchment, James now knows that Lily has written to Remus, and she has told him how hard it is to live with her sister and how hard she wants to start the course.

- Are you hearing that? It's because she can't wait to see me, Sirius.

- Where do you get so much confidence in yourself? You are inspiring.

He would like to have the willpower to wait and read alone, but Sirius is impatient and he breaks the seal as soon as possible. He reads three sentences and feels a sudden heat, a jolt from the toes to the brain. Stretches on the stomach. And he goes down between the legs. Fast.

He stuffs the scroll in his back pocket. Burning

- Aren't you going to read your letter? - James asks.

- Later.

His voice has become too high-pitched. He clears his throat.


- It's dinnertime. I don't want to miss it.

That night he does not eat. That night he devours. He yawns towards the desserts. He announces that he is tired and to the surprise of James, who does not believe him, he goes to bed as fast as possible.

- You never go to bed early.

- I'm sure I'm sick.

- You never get sick.

- Well, I'll be getting old, Potter, I don't know.

He zips up the tent and casts a silencing spell. He has only read three sentences and cannot assimilate that Remus -HIS Remus- has finally done it. That he has finally brought out the wolf to take a walk.

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