If I go to San Francisco sometime, do I have to carry flowers in my hair?

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The music is chosen by Remus. He is not willing to let James torture them with his broken Beach Boys record, although James, unfazed by the criticism insists on humming "how much I like your clothes, the sun in your hair, aaaahhhh, your perfume in the windooo".

- Don't insist, James. That music sticks to the brain and is impossible to forget for weeks.

James frowns, but they pass off him when Remus chooses Albert Hammond honoring the summer. Automatically, he raises his glasses and starts with that one that says "it never rains in the south of Califoniaaaa, but girl don ́t they warn yaaaa, it poooouuuurs, man it poooouuuuurs. James is nothing if he's not musical. And there is no song whose lyrics he doesn't know and whose music he is not capable of assassinating with emotional passion. He first destroys The Mamas and the Papas and then what is known about Elvis, and naturally, a rather sui generis version of Good vibrations whispered under his breath, so that Remus doesn't hear him. He sings when they put the towels out, he sings when they get beach sand and multiplies it, he sings when they take the sunglasses out of Filch's confiscated stuff drawer, he sings when the beds are unpacked and when Sirius loves the room and is still singing when Lily opens the door saying:

- Remus, do you have last week's homewo... GOD'S HELL, HOW FUCKING HOT IS IN HERE!

It is like an oven. A nuclear greenhouse. It is London the hottest day in August. It is that place where your grandparents go on vacation. Torremolinos or whatever it's called. And four seventeen-year-old boys are staring at him each from a mattress on the floor, all wearing sunglasses, all in underpants - Remus in a T-shirt - all smiling as if they had some kind of cosmic binge. All thrown in the room full of sand. All waving.

- Hi, Lily! - in four voices.

- What are you doing?

-Sunbathing!- Says Peter. Much happier than he's been in weeks.

Obviously, there is no sun. But there are a HUGE amount of greenhouse plants in their pots scattered all over the place. A powerful heat spell keeps the room at a distinctly tropical temperature. And four boys look at him from their mattresses covered with towels, all lined up on the floor hearing something that sounds like She's a rainbow'. The four of them seem to be thoroughly enjoying their fake Scottish beach.

With the widest smile, Lily has ever seen, tucked behind giant aviator-like glasses, James Potter and his blue boxer shorts stare at her. He reaches out to offer her suntan lotion.

- Will you put it on my back? We English burn quite easily.

She stares at the lotion. His hundred-thousand-watt smile under his glasses. The sweat-soaked bangs.

- One thing has to be said in your favour. When it seems impossible for you to do something the most absurd, you always manage to surprise me.

She leaves exactly from where she came from, as serious as before she enters the room, intoxicated by the smell of sun cream, trying to understand where these fours get the energy to transform the rooms into amazing landscapes and change the seasons from winter to summer and vice versa. When she arrives at the Common Room she surrenders and admits the marauders' victory over everyday life with a smile. The next morning she still finds herself humming "She comes in colours everywhere!!!!!".

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