Ways in which Sirius (Black) does never touch Remus (Lupin)

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Lily never understood it, and surely will never understand it in her whole life.

She got angry in third grade with Berta Rumings and they said each other everything and they didn't speak again until fifth grade when Berta asked her to borrow a white magic book. For the boys it is different, she supposes, like almost everything, on the other hand. When Sirius and the fool Potter get mad at the Great Hall, might seem the omen of more fights, the beginning of a terrible row or if they were girls, the prelude to one of those discussions that last hours and end with two friends crying and hugging each other in tears.

But no.

Later in that very day, she is ruminating on her knowledge of vampires in the Common Room when she sees Sirius appear out of the corner of her eye. The three others are sitting at the table. They are supposed to study, but Lily bet they have been hiding something else under their robes and big thick ancient academic volumes.

Muggle comics or several delayed editions of "The Fastest Brooms on the History". Something like that. Well, Remus might study. Even Peter may be focused on something serious. But surely the other one is not doing anything farther from productive.The things are more or less like that, and it is so surprising that Lily is convinced that men are another race.

Sirius walks in, approaches the table with his ears half-lowered - though not at all- and he says "hey". Not even "hello" or "what's up" or one more greeting or less normal like "good night". Total No. Just "hey". The other, Potter, always imitates him in everything so he just looks up from the table, looks at him, and responds the same way "hey". Remus stares without looking, pretending to read. Peter stare like it's the quidditch final. And then Sirius asks "what are you doing" and Potter shrugs his shoulders with his face as if he hadn't broken a plate and says "you see, study a bit".

-Yeah- says Sirius.

-Yes- says James.

-It gives you a break to come down to eat something?

- Okay.

And that's it. Amazing. Anger. Screams. Wands on the ground and so on it's how they fix it. With a couple of "heys" and food in no authorized time. Men. Whoever casts a spell to understand them will win so much money that they will have to work overtime at Gringotts. What to her seems pathetic, to Remus must result funny because she sees him smile without ever lifting his head, seemingly absorbed in the book.

Before leaving, there is a weird absorbing moment, as if there were remains of tension between the mates. They look at each other like they don't know exactly what to do, and it is Sirius who steps forward and hugs him first. They stay like this for a while, until things get too serious for them and Sirius makes the typical manly joke.

- Have I left my wand in your pocket or do you have something to say to me, Prongs?

"How typical".

- In fact, I have to confess that I have always loved you secretly. I watched you eat your snot in first grade and I've been lost ever since.

They go out together to steal food from the kitchens. Talking about Gryffindor chances in the Cup. Touching, hugging, rubbing. Lily wants to exchange a look with Remus and say "I told you." but her friend is not looking at her, but to the door through which those two little plover heads have just come out. Like what just happened was an exciting show of friendship, brotherly and of a bond that is beyond words.

If Lily were a werewolf, she might agree with him.

"But probably not".

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