Good morning sadness

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At Hogwarts, the last week before summer vacation, even the paintings gloat in laziness. All routines change and corners stink of summer. It's barely five days before the Hogwarts Express leaves heading to London on Friday at 10:11 a.m. from Hogsmeade station. But in those four days, the students did not have a lot to do. Pack suitcases, return borrowed books to the library, receive test results, review them in classes where no one pays attention.

The only excitement is waiting Thursday night when Dumbledore announces in the Great Hall who has won the Houses cup. For several years, even that emotion has been quite limited. Gryffindor has been winning for five years in a row, thanks to victories in quidditch.

It is the prelude to summer and in the rooms, the students sleep with the peaceful feeling that summer is there, waiting for them to do nothing.. It's time to rest in the gardens and eat too large meals knowing that there are no classes for the afternoons and you can always do your digestion in the middle of a good nap.

Perhaps because in Scotland summer is always too short, the sun decides to start the week with enthusiasm and Monday dawns strongly, in the middle of a clear sky. The sun knows there are many expectations put into it and does not want to disappoint the students. The sun is shining so bright that even students who don't have such a good time on those days can feel comfortable.

But Remus Lupin, he doesn't get it.

The last week of the course has always been hard for him. The other children were counting the days to go home. They will travel, meet with their families, they go to rest. Remus has a dying mother and only Hogwarts offers him a place to feel at home. When he opens his eyes, on Monday, the first thing in the morning is worse than any other year.

On the other hand, Sirius has fallen asleep without drawing the curtains and is the first thing he sees in the daylight.

He sleeps on his stomach, arms outstretched, and because he moves so much during the night he ends up throwing the blankets on the floor. The pillow is covering his head completely and has his feet off the bed. Sirius always talks in dreams and sometimes complains or protest or wake everyone up with a short, intense scream that shakes their bodies terrified before dawn. That morning he says something incomprehensible that went lost between the sheets. Bareback, hair in the face. Muttering. He moves a little and does it by moving his hips, thrusting gently against the mattress.

When Remus imagines himself as that mattress, he feels the blood concentrating below the waistband of the pijamas, and parts of his body that shake in the presence of Sirius as the tides shake with the moon.

He would like to get up but he cannot. He would want to go back in time. To return to that bathroom. Get into bed with Sirius, put his hands inside his underpants, and see what happens.

- Get up, Black, I don't want to miss breakfast again.

He hadn't even realized that James was awake. How would he know if he didn't stop looking at the sinuous movement that Sirius's back muscles do?

-Wake me up when it's daytime- he protests.

- It's already daytime.

- Well wake me up when it's tomorrow.

- It's tomorrow, mate.

James jumps out of his bed and sits on Sirius's, pushing his legs away from him, with some abruptness to make a place. In the mornings and in pijamas, his hair is even messier than usual and has all the advantages of not being attracted to his best friend. For James, it's easy to lie down on his bed when Sirius is only wearing his pijama pants.

- Potter, I want to sleep!

- There is only one week left until the end of the course and we haven't thought that do, Padfoot. You have to wake up.

- Personally, I had thought to murder you. And hang your limbs in the dining room so you can let me sleep. Get out! - Sirius kick his friend hard in the ribs but the other only stiffened and grabbed his legs so he would miss his glasses.

- To have a reputation for being an A in bed, you are not at all that affectionate.

Bed. Sex. Affectionate. Remus knows the time has come to get out of bed. He tries not to make noise. James is entertained shaking the bed to get Sirius out. Sirius is making homicidal threats and tucking his head under the pillow.

- Hi, Peter.

He meets him in the bathroom. The scene of the crime.

- Good morning, Remus.

Maybe Peter can see it. Maybe everyone can see it. There, in the walls. Remnants of what happened the night before. Maybe they can see how close Remus Lupin came to getting it all and how he screwed it up with stupid and unjustified distrust.

- Do you think Sirius could do something like that?

-The important thing is that he didn't do it, Peter.

In fact, for him, is the only thing that matters, but little Pettigrew doesn't conform with that answer.

-Yes, but do you think he would be capable of it?

During the moonlit nights, Remus desires blood and sometimes catches an animal and tears it apart. The wolf doesn't care where the next piece of meat as long as he can eat and if he was not an animal if he were a person, would attack anyway. Werewolves scholars blame the evil influence of the moon but Remus knows it is not so simple. The moon doesn't create the wolf. All it does is dilute man to free the beast.

The beast is inside.

- Nobody knows what animal is inside, Peter. None of us.

Neither him. Not Sirius. Not even Peter, who looks at him with those little eyes and those little ears that make him look like a scared mouse. The important thing is not the animal that one carries inside, but learning to live with it.

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