Little Witch of my Heart, and other greatest hits

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The owl arrives on Monday night and James spends the hours left until Tuesday afternoon looking forward to it. From seven to nine, all magic radios for all the young wizards from the UK Tune in to hear "Haunted Heartbeat", the latest big hit from Capital Radio. James prefers other types of programs like Mugglemania, for example. A couple of hours of the best of muggle music, starting at noon and seven days a week. And of course, "Hour of Salem", an esoteric cult newscast that they program at midnight.

But he knows that none of those shows that he loves so much have a comparable success to "The Love Alchemist" and its catchy unbearable song program for girls and exchange of loving owls.

That summer Tuesday is unbearably hot. James lies on his bed with the magic radio and wand on his bedside table.

- Refrigeriam! - He says, without much energy.

The room begins to cool immediately and the spiel repetitions of The Love Alchemist come to him loud and clear. If Sirius wanted to play some of his idiotic jokes on him, couldn't he have chosen ANOTHER Program?

What a torture.

- You are listening to The Love Alchemist live, from four in the afternoon and until seven, we put you in touch with that witch that inspires your magic, or with that wizard, you would like to give your homemade filter of Looooooooove!!! Don't leave us now because we have more owls to read from our anonymous listeners, and one of them, listen carefully, could be a declaration of love just for YOU!!. Do not go in despair, everyone has its owl!!! Remember that you listen to The Love Alchemist and that this is Capital Radio, the only magic station that now offers discounts at the best shops in Diagon Alley, and the possibility of entering our raffle for gaining tickets to attend the next concert of the SPELLBOUNDS!!!!! They are making quite a revolutionary return with their fiery latest hit, "Little Witch of my Heart". Stay tuned to Capital Radio!!!

James counts to ten. Perhaps Sirius has not prepared any joke especially. Maybe the joke is to force him to listen to such idiocy until his ears bleed. He is in fact convinced of it, and when is about to turn off the radio to preserve the poor mental health that remains after having heard the chorus "Little witch of my heart/ heart wounded / heart hot / heart hurt / ooohhhh oohhhh" for about thirty times, he then hears the fucking fucker.

The last owl of the day.

- This is a very special letter, from an anonymous, young, and fiery magician which response to the pseudonym of Dick Potter, and is addressed to a mysterious witch that takes away his sleep. Dick Potter does not want to tell us in his letter how the young lady is called, but he insists that she is - I'm quoting, mates - "The most beautiful Flower of England " and he also specifies that there is no other redhead in Gryffindor who mixes potions like her. Whoever you are, "The most beautiful Flower of England", your young lover is not very discreet.

James gets up so quickly from the bed that he sends the radio flying to finally end up on the floor, and when he goes to pick it up he bumps against the table.

- The owl of the passionate Dick Potter says to you and Flower, friends: 

"Beautiful flower, that lays in the counter.

You are my love, you are my sorrow.

Kill me with your ardor, make me die of passion.

Others are more handsome than your lover, and others fly better,

Others will give you more than a galleon or a little flat in Diagon Alley, but no other will kiss your feet and drool you like me.

Think about it, pretty little flower ".

Anyway, it's not precisely the poetry of the Troubadour of Camelot, but I am sure that the witch he addresses will be grateful for the stark honesty of the verse.

"Sirius Ulises Black, you are a dead wizard".

They say revenge is a dish served cold, while James meditates on a rematch that's up to the social death and betrayal from his, supposedly, best friend. He also prays to Merlin and Circe and all in-the-middle magicians so that Lily does not hear Capital Radio, and none of her friends either.

The next owl he writes to Sirius is a suffocating briefly telegram.

"I hope for your own good that you never like anyone but yourself. Because if I find out that someone matters the least to you, Merlin I put as a witness that I will publicly humiliate you in the middle of Hogwarts on Christmas Day. I swear to you Motherfucking asshole!!!!!!!!!!


Ps: What? If I know about Remus? Mate, he writes several times a week. Haven't his letters reached you?"

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