The inbetween

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Through the stained glass, the day is hazy, an unpleasant leaden gray. A strong wind blows and most of the students take shelter inside the castle after classes. The intense energy of winter is sensed in the distance and Sirius feels full of nervous energy, looking for something to vent. There is no training, he has no homework left to do, and Snape is not close enough to be tortured. He gets bored and boredom, in his case, is a deadly poison. When he gets bored, his skin bothers him, he wants to stick against something, he feels annoyed, irritated, enraged.In the common room, a group of boys play magic chess, most of them catch up with the homework, or spread the ultimate gossips. They are as interesting as pulling your hair out. No sign of James nor Peter. And Remus is studying with Lily again. Again! There is only one thing he can think of to kill time and get rid himself of excess energy and the room must be free, so he climbs the tower in hopes of shaking it off first and taking a nap later. When he gets bored, it is usually a good idea to take his cock outside for a handly walk. In fact, it's usually a good idea to take it out for a walk in almost any situation.

Especially, if a certain prefect werewolf has been doing his homework and duties for days, keeping out of reach of him, indulging in things that have nothing to do with sex. Stupid things. He strides up to the room, slightly excited, now that he's figured out how to kill time.

As soon as he walks through the door, he knows someone is inside. Not just someone, but Remus, lying on the bed, surrounded by scrolls. He feels a sudden change in mood. The day has just improved substantially.

- Didn't you have to be doing I don't know what with Lily?

- Homework. But we've already finished the Occlumency ones. Lily had Latin and I had Ancient Runes.

He's so focused on his scrolls. So available. So seemingly calm. So palatable just a few feet away.

- James?

- Punished. Miss Sprout discovered that he was blackmailing the gnomes who live in the greenhouse mushrooms to give him roses for his date with Lily.

- Wormtail?

- In the hospital wing.

- Why?

- Indigestion. Mrs. Sprout found out about the gnomes when Peter threw up on the mushrooms. Too much fruit cake.

Punishment. Indigestion. Nothing from Lily. The prospects are more than encouraging. Oh yeah, I think so. He walks over to Remus's bed. Lowering his voice.

- So it can be said that you are here alone.

He pushes his bangs away from his face, throwing his head back.

- It's a reasonable conclusion.- More than available, Remus seems accessible, close, edible. Sirius imagines him lying on the bed, shuffling the sheets. -But I'm doing this- he sentenced, -and I have to finish it by tomorrow.

And with those words, he just gave him a stop. What was fucking missing! Sirius is not used to being stopped. People don't go and try to stop Sirius. Not Sirius Black! People line up to be the object of his desire!

- I didn't come looking for you. - Sounds defensive. Which is exactly how he feels. - I didn't even know you were here.

- Seriously, I have to finish this. Whatever pouts you make.

WHAT!?!?! Blacks don't pout! It's outrageous to have to listen to it. His teeth are grinding.

- I have done no such thing.

- Quiet. Don't worry about it. They are very virile little pouts.

And he keeps writing. So quiet. It is clear that he needs a lesson. It is crystal clear. Meridian crystalline. It is so clear that Sirius takes a thousandth of a hundredth of a second to realise exactly how he's going to get revenge. It's quite simple, actually. What he's going to do is ignore him. Ignore him and stick with his original plan.

- Sirius, may I know what you are doing?

- I'm getting bored.

- And that's why you're putting your hand inside your pants?

Yes. Of course. Because he gets bored. Because Remus is always entertained with prefect duties and tasks and Lily, and Sirius is always the one who has to attack him in a corner or assault him on a break between class and class. Always. And if he wants to masturbate in his room like he has done since he learned about it, is exactly what he intends to do. And if the idea of ​​doing it with him in the same room turns him on, pathetic as it may be, well that's his fucking business.

So he unbuttons his pants.

-If you don't like it, Lupin- He puts his hand inside his boxer shorts and finds himself halfway to a boner-, don't look.

-Sirius, I have to finish my homework! I can't do it if ...

He speaks almost in a whisper. And just a meter away, from his bed, that whisper goes straight into Sirius's blood. Note under the palm of his hand, how it is growing, gaining stiffness, and weight. He keeps talking.

- If that?

He wants to hear Remus say it.

- If you masturbate in the bed next to you.

Most of the guys at Hogwarts say "wank" or "take it out for a walk" or "wave the wand" but Remus doesn't. Remus is precise and clinical and just by hearing how he pronounces "jerk off" Sirius feels his pants bother him. He lifts his hips and lowers his waistband. Bare ass on the bed, he strokes his stomach and closes his eyes to imagine something that will work, something that will stir the inner tides and bring it to a boil. Remus. It naturally works. He fills his head with steam and now he is totally rigid, he begins to caress himself up and down, from the bottom up, and then he opens his eyes, looks directly at him, sticking out the tip of his tongue as if he were offering himself on a silver tray. Almost dressed, decadent.

"Look at me".

Beneath his shirt, Remus's chest heaves, he breathes in interrupted gulps, with animal intensity. He looks at him as he touches himself and Sirius suspects that it is the look that is making him hotter than the touch of his own fingers.

"I'm thinking of you, Moony".

He's thinking about Remus with him. In that same room without people. The two naked. The two in the same bed. Remus on top of him and how amazing it would be to cum like that, just rubbing and stroking against each other. Fuck. Just thinking about it, he needs to go faster, squeeze a little.

- Sirius, damn it.

Something is cracking in his voice, the slightest despair. And that fine flash of madness - the presence of the wolf under his skin - makes Sirius feel a tear of moisture right at the tip of his erection. He issues a tearful moan and before he opens his eyes and knows what is happening, he is there, he smells him, he feels the weight on the bed, next to him.

- I should make you pay for this.

-Remus, please - kisses his ears, kisses him as slowly, as softly, as wet as he can, licks his lips, seeks the tip of his tongue. -Touch me a little- he pleads. - Please.

A little bit is all he needs to finish. But Remus Lupin doesn't know, he does not understand "a little" and when he finally touches him a lot, touches everything, touches him hot, against the clock, moving against him, kissing him as no one else knows, on top, aside, fast, faster and faster with their clothes on and the same desperation as if they were naked, repeating Sirius, repeating all the time: SiriusSiriusSirius. He cums into his hands, while Remus is licking his chest, sinking his teeth into his stomach.

It takes him a while to recover. He has tremors, goosebumps.

- I have to finish my homework. - "Tell me I didn't just hear that". - Not that I want to.- Remus adds, to Sirius's disgrace. -So don't do that again.

- Because you say so?

Slightly recovered, Sirius sits up in bed. He licks his dry lips, as he sticks a finger under the knot of Remus's tie and loosens it, tugging on it.

- Because I want to return the favor, you git.

With this argument, it is difficult for Remus to resist and ends up doing homework the next morning, before the others wake up, under the bed, with the wand lit under the sheets. He smells Sirius's skin. Enough reason to get up early.

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