Love me do

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No one is surprised that James Potter took Muggle Studies as an optative. He takes it as an academic challenge to keep up with Lily. No one is surprised that Peter also has Muggle Studies, if James wants to be academically at the height of Lily, Peter wants to be, if not at the height of James, at least in the shadow of him. What Remus finds a little - but just a little - more surprising is that while listening to "Love me do" in the boys' room, James opens the door, sweaty and with his hair in his face and asks him if he knows exactly how to fly a bike.

- A what?

- A bicycle.

- Have you got a bike?

- I have Peter trying not to kill himself in the garden.

Given the seriousness of the situation, Remus has no choice but to go down to the garden. When he arrives, Sirius is already ahead of them and is holding his stomach with both hands, folded over with laughter.

Peter fights like he can against the laws of balance but all he manages to do is to fall to the ground while James yells at him that he will end up breaking the absurd thing and thus ending his chances of passing. The boys' room is left with the gramophone and when Lily goes upstairs to give Remus his Oscar Wilde's autographed edition, he finds it magically ringing, repeating "Love me do" from The Beatles, naturally in a loop.

It's a deep grey and windy day and Hogwarts, and from the boys' window, is more than ever, pure Scotland. A tireless castle that defies time from the promontory of History and challenges meteorology that dare to destroy it. The sky threatens a storm and Lily watches the boys as they fight a rusty bicycle. Lower down in the blizzard-ravaged gardens.

Next to her, the jammed gramophone repeats the same song, ends, and starts again and when Paul sings love me do, he asks, loves me do, and begs please love me do, Lily can't help but smile. Now that no one is looking at her, now that there is no danger of a Gryffindor discovering a small weakness because everyone is down, unraveling the mystery of pedaling without falling. Now that she is alone, in the messy, masculine, and filled with wrinkled clothes and dirty boots, she can admit that there is something attractive about them. Seen like this, from afar.

When Peter, who barely reaches the pedals and wobbles from side to side, gets up off the ground for the sixth time, Remus, who evidently is the only one familiar with bicycles takes command and tries to explain how it works. From the tower, Lily can make out their postures and with them, almost their expressions. James listens. Sirius has so much fun that he has to lie down on the ground, and stays there, legs and arms open and in x, shaken by gusts of wind that only invite everyone to have a good time. Paul insists, looks for someone to love, as Remus takes the bike, surrendering to the manifest inability of three pureblood wizards to understand the simplicity of a muggle object "someone new, someone to love, someone like you".

He manages to straighten it, get his foot in the pedal and take it straight for a while, circling his three friends, standing on the pedals, then on the saddle and standing, again, to gain momentum and let himself be carried away by the wind, which comes in his face and shakes his robes forming gentle tides on the bicycle. Sirius stands up, slightly marveling at the fluidity, and the apparent simplicity with which Remus and the bicycle are carried away by the garden. When he walks away, the three of them chase him, robes blowing in the wind, screams that are confused with Paul, and his love demands love, love me do, you know I love you!. Sirius catches up with him and after a fiery fight with the bike, and despite Remus' protests - laughs - he's clever enough to ride on the handlebars and force him for a ride.

For a brief fraction of time, just for an instant, they manage to keep moving. Even though it is too heavy, despite the fact that the wind blows gusty and stronger, forcing Remus to take turns and turns, even though everything indicates that they should fall, despite themselves "I ́ll always be true" they remain on the bike, spirited, magnificent, in balance, together, on the bicycle "so pleeeeeeeaaase, love me do".

Then the howling of the wind gets louder, Remus dodges the whooping willow, Peter wants to try it, Sirius learns to pedal standing up and young, angry, brave laughter sounds as they fall and get up, and James chases Peter on the bike for several meters, threatening to run over him. At that moment their energetic youth does not attack anyone, so Lily celebrates by herself and Lily knows that she will remember that image, four students and a bicycle, an insignificant and happy moment, an author's note in the millennial history of Hogwarts. She starts listening:

To Remus.

- It's starting to rain!

To Sirius.

- The last one to reach the top of the lion's tower is a Slytherin!

To peter.

- The bike!

To James.

- Peter, put that down!

To the four of them, running towards the castle in the rain that suddenly falls like a thick blanket. Chasing each other and laughing, leaving the bicycle behind, apparently capable of making fun of everything, and everyone, even the weather.

When the boys arrive in the room, Paul keeps repeating "Love me do" as the gramophone is stuck in a circle without music and Lily is gone, although she has left her perfume and Remus's books. James takes a deep breath and Sirius splashes him when he shakes the water off himself. The bike is forgotten in a corner of the Hogwart's garden, where later the brush and rust will catch up, no one remembering it. A muggle junk that will still be there when they've withered away, and no one, not even Paul, will be left to make her fly with a little music and some magical pedaling.

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