Five unanswered question (And one revelation)

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The next morning (rather at noon), while having breakfast alone in the kitchen, Sirius asks himself several questions.

In order of importance, the fifth.

How is he going to put up with a party at his parents' house that night? when a) he can't stand his parents, b) he can't stand any of the two hundred guests, c) he doesn't know anyone in London who can offer him a house to spend the night because everyone he knows is a guest (on this point, consult point b) and finally d) His parents have cast a barrier spell to prevent him from going outside.

The fourth question.

Why do elves always remember that Regulus-simpleton-shitass-stupid-girly-bitch's favourite breakfast is rose tea with four drops of milk, a cloud of steam, and two toast with butter and sugar and FORGET that his favourite breakfast is coffee with pumpkin pie and not COLD MILK AND HARD BREAD.

"Those vengeful motherfuckers still hold a grudge against me for hiding stink bombs under their beds".

The third unanswered question.

-Why his parents insist so much on emphasizing that the party is only for pureblood wizards and does not admit Muggles or Half-bloods, if it is clear that no muggle or half-breed in his right mind would want to go to that SHIT from of party?

The second and most important.

Why does he feel listless having Regulus for the first time in a year close to messing with him?

And the first and fundamental.

What reason could someone like Remus Lupin have for not writing to him?

He suspects that the last two are related. There are six hours left to the Party. "The Daily Prophet" of that morning announces it on the cover and dedicates all the Society section of it. Sirius has the urge to go down to the boilers to burn it down. He's not good at resisting his urges, so he goes down.

He is not alone. There's a half-meter shadow at the bottom of the basement with a pile of papers in hand, alone in front of the boiler, throwing something inside the flames.

- Kreacher?

The elf turns quickly. Startled. Whatever he had in his hand, he hides it quickly, throwing his arms back.

- Master Sirius, we had not seen you.

- I already noticed, Kreacher.

The elf looks scared. His huge eyes look everywhere, searching for an exit.

- What were you burning?

- Things, beloved master Sirius. Unimportant things that Kreacher don't wants to disturb you with.

Suspicion, doubt, Sirius begins to see a light at the end of his mind, his tunnel.

- Show me that.

The elf resists with complacent words. He doesn't want to bother him, they are Kreacher stuff, minor nonsense, old papers. The lady has asked to burn them and the elf wants to obey. He wants to obey and leave, throw it all into the fire, and run away. But Sirius insists and when Kreacher resists, his master grabs him by the lapel of his shabby suit and brings him dangerously close to the fire, until he feels the heat so nearby that he begins to notice that his ears are scorched. Sirius threatens him with a voice that struggles not to scream and in his gaze, the elf distinguishes the same raging power as Mrs. Black's.

- If you don't show me those letters, dwarfy shitty elf, you're going to burn yourself with them. So think if your loyalty to my mother is enough to fuel that fire.

He brings it closer to the flames. Kreacher screams, begs, squeezes the papers in the hand. His eyes are bulging out of his head, he trembles, he tries to wriggle out of Sirius's relentless claw and it's useless.

- I may not be the master you would like, elf, but I'm still over you.

-Yes, master- Kreacher agrees, on the verge of tears, nodding compulsively shaking his head. - Yes, master, please, master, don't lets this poor old elf gets burned, good master, please.

He jerks him out of the fire and Kreacher lands in a corner of the basement, giving a head butt that would split the head of a more fragile being. The cards shoot out in all directions but most are already burned and when Sirius bends down to pick them up, he can barely make out the subtle and thoughtful calligraphy by Remus Lupin.

- How many have you burned?

There is a fire in Sirius far more dangerous than any bonfire. Kreacher is afraid of getting burned.

-His mother ordered me, sir... No letters from the half-blood traitor, master. That's what she said to Kreacher.

- How many?

Kreacher babbles, stumbles.

- Many, Mr. Sirius. Almost one for every day since you arrived from school.

Sirius comes out of that basement so fast that he causes a blast of air intense enough for the flames to move and tremble. Is anger unleashed by the Black. Able to defy the elements and the forces of fire and earth.

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