Chocolate confidences

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One by one, two by two, three by three, Remus goes downstairs running, taking advantage of the time to get to the Great Hall. For four days he has been trying to contain himself, to do things his own way. Take it easy, at his own rhythm, but is betrayed by that constant state of nervous excitement preceding the beginning of the course. It's Saturday, before September 1 and there are less than twenty-four hours left for the Hogwarts Express to arrive at Hogsmeade station.

Twenty hours and thirty minutes.

Damn, he can't relax.

In the dining room, the sky is studded with blazing stars, and Albus Dumbledore is sitting in the seats reserved for the prefects and Head students from Gryffindor. During eight weeks of summer, Remus has never seen him dine there. He does it in his office or with other teachers. Remus doesn't know if he's bothering him. Seems absorbed in his own thoughts.

- Professor Dumbledore?

He raises his head and for a second his expression remains imperturbable and distant. Then those bushy white eyebrows are filled with liveliness, and the headmaster smiles. A jovial expression that makes him seem almost like some schoolboy.

- Lupin! I was waiting for you to get down.

- Me?

Since James, Peter, and Sirius are not in school, he hasn't had none of those "director-student" talks that become inevitable with friends like his. He is losing the habit.

- The rest of the teachers have dinner in Hogsmeade tonight but I preferred to stay at school on the last night of summer. Before this gets crowded, you know? The beginning of each new course is exciting,

What do you think about that, Remus? - He does not have time to answer an enthusiastic "yes, teacher", because Dumbledore continues speaking. - I guess you are excited to see your friends.

- I would have to lie to say no, sir.

Twenty hours and twenty minutes for Sirius to arrive.

- Don't you think this dining room is too big, son?

Dumbledore often confuses him.

- Beg your pardon, sir?

- I thought we could eat in the kitchen. The elves have made chocolate cake. I understand that we share an excessive passion for chocolate, you and me.

No one knows how old Dumbledore is. But when he winks, looks much younger than Remus himself.

- It could be said that there are a few things that I like more than chocolate.

One of those things will arrive at Hogwarts in twenty hours and less than twenty minutes.

- Talk no more, then.

That last summer night, Remus and Dumbledore have dinner in the kitchen. The house-elves let out hysterical screams when they see them enter and one of them is about to have a heart attack when she realises that the Headmaster of the school has every intention of DINING there, at the tables without picking up and between pots and pans. No attempt to explain that they don't care about the dirty cutlery helps. Three calming herbal teas, eventually appease her. With the elf snoring gently in a corner, student and headmaster can finally dine lamb stings roasted with orange roasts, and all the chocolate they can eat, in all the ways you can imagine. Liquid, solid, hot, warm, cold, with almonds, white, black, and in chips.

- Chocolate is an extraordinary substance, Remus. - Dumbledore gives him a history lesson during desserts. - Known for relieving the "love sickness" among women. It has all kinds of uses between magicians of South America. There is an interesting book on the subject, I don't know if you had the chance to read it.

- "Magical properties of cocoa and chocolate spells". I have read it.

Dumbledore praises his book addiction and they argue for a while about the different techniques for healing spells in England and America, before getting deeper into the great magical debate about whether Merlin is really dead. The director seems happy to share chocolate and a talk about books with one of his students. Entertaining with food in a kitchenfull of unwashed pots and semi-hysterical elves.

- I hope you have had a good rest these weeks. I have a feeling that is going to be a year full of strong emotions.

Eighteen and a half hours until Sirius arrives.

- I have the same feeling, sir.

Before parting towards their respective rooms, Dumbledore asks him for a favor.

- Remember that I trust you so that your friends don't set the school on fire or disturb the entire course with their occurrences. I'm not saying they are bad boys, but my goodness, you need ten eyes sometimes to watch over them. Black, especially.

- I promise I'll keep an eye on them, sir.

- Indeed, young man, watch him closely.

- Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore. Leave it in my hands.

Eighteen hours and ten minutes for Remus to meet the academic duty to watch over Sirius. Hard work, but someone has to do it. At four in the morning, the excitement still keeps him awake. It is the last night in the year that Gryffindor's three remaining beds are empty.

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