Death poetry

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In autumn, everything languishes and the Scottish mist takes over the towers of the castle. It is the ideal weather for studying, but the days when sunny days are missed, when on a November clear day of dazzling sunshine, the outdoor gardens are filled with students, lying in the sun, sitting meekly against the trees, taking advantage at lunchtime to say goodbye to the sun rays that precede winter. Eager for some daylight, Lily reads in placid silence, lethargic by the illusion that it's summer again. She hears the laugh of the younger students in the distance, but it comes from far as if it came from another world. She rests her head on Remus's shoulder and lets herself stand between sun and shade, forgetting the book of poems that she has brought, almost asleep.

She stretches just from the movement of Remus's body under hers. She half-opens her eyes and sees the long shadow of Sirius, looking at them from above. High of his gallantry. Fun, as always.

- What is that so entertaining that you are doing, pitcher souls?

- Nothing- Remus answers. - You sign up?

Sirius' blunt response is a shrug. - Okay. You have to try everything.

He sits on the other side. Lily is convinced that it will take ten seconds to declare that he is bored 

- As usual. Ten seconds and he will convince Remus to accompany him for some evil, something like tormenting the innocent or that other type of evil they do lately.

She is wrong.

Sirius yes, he behaves like himself at first. He forces Lily to lean to the side, he changes positions forty-eight times, but finally relaxes in the sun, rests his head on Remus's legs, and stretches out as long as he is, with his arms on his stomach and his eyes closed to protect himself from the sun. Sun. You have to be very close to them, to appreciate how Remus's fingers caress his head with their fingertips, making soft ringlets with his long strands of shiny black hair.

It is almost hypnotic. An almost hidden gesture, that speaks much louder, much clearer than words.

- Remus, can you read us something? - Before he argues otherwise, Lily reaches for her book with pleading eyes. - Please.

He agrees but it may be because Sirius, lying in the sun as if he had never wanted to be anywhere else, joins his request.

- Read us something, Moony.

He has never been able to deny him anything. Not the simplest thing. He reads in a clear, slightly nasal voice. It's like those late-night muggle radio reporters that Lily hears during the summer, at home, when Petunia leaves to drive-through cinemas with Vernon and she is left alone in her room. Something in his way of saying the words makes them live.

- "Close my eyes, at last, the shadow that the white will make me one of these days, and he will be able to unleash this soul of mine. Hour, to reach her eager flattery. But not from the other side on the shore, will be left the memory where it burned ".

She growls softly, protests a little. Sirius looks for the perfect nape posture on Remus's leg and what it really looks like is that he's looking to get scratched behind the ear. Completely domesticated, like an animal without rabies.

-All the poems you like are about death- he grumbled. - You will spontaneously turn to ashes if you keep reading this shi...

-Sssshhhh- Lily tells him to shut up.

- Is talking about love, you animal.

- Ah, - Sirius tries to joke - L' amooooour.

"If he believes for a second that he is fooling someone with the facade of toughness... To another dog with that bone, Sirius". Remus keeps on stroking his hair, he clears his throat asking permission to continue, and shoots Lily a venomous look as if to say "I know what you mean and I don't like it".

He proceeds to read the next line.

- "Swimming knows my flame cold water and loses respect for severe law. Soul, to whom a whole God has been a prison, veins that have given humor to so much fire, pith, that have gloriously burned, her body will leave, not the care of him; They will be ashes, but they will make sense; dust they will be, more dust in love ".

She especially likes that poem. She has always liked him. She didn't understand why she loved it. But in his voice, it sounds different, as if it were being read for the first time and each word was an enchantment.

Lily digests the last words and she is about to say it out loud, express how much she likes that idea that love somehow survives death when she looks at them and completely loses her thread of thought. Remus is no longer paying attention to the book, or anything except Sirius who slowly chews him with his eyes. They fuse what exists outside of them and when it looks like they are going to throw themselves at each other, Sirius closes one eye, shields himself from the sun with his visor-shaped hand, and says.

- Did you say something about a shag?

Remus throws his head back and lights up with one of those rare sudden laughs. Getting them is a feat only available to Sirius. He laughs and his fingers keep making and undoing curls in Sirius's hair as if they were making and undoing mysterious words of love that no one dares to utter at the moment.

-Hey, Evans- Sirius torments her. - Do you already know what to wear on your date with James? It's next Saturday, in case you don't remember.

She doesn't need to be reminded. She remembers perfectly.

-Does a condemned man need a reminder on the day of the execution, Black?

-Yes- Sirius ironically- I see that you are sooo looking forward to it as James does.

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