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The four of them sleep in the same room. Peter in the back bed, James in the next, then Sirius and finally Remus. His is the only bed that is always made, full of books and scrolls extended. All his things are thrown aside when Remus comes up from the garden and finds Sirius in his human form, with his legs crossed in the same place where Remus lays at night and awake, thinking of him.

- Are you tired of chasing Severus?

Sirius does not answer. He stands up with exquisite grace and shakes his head to push hair away from his face. The noblest of all animals, he asks for forgiveness. "I am so sorry, Moony" says to Remus, staring him right at the eyes, humiliated as if he were in front of an altar and Remus Lupin stops breathing abruptly because he is sure HE has never said it. Sorry in the mouth of a Black is an unexpected honor. And it's his, for him. They are alone in the common room and Sirius is much more naked than in that lake of Hogsmeade. Remus's heart pumps faster, like full moon nights, when it begins to swell and threatens to explode.

- Maybe I'm doomed to be like my mother, don't you think? The same damned blood.

- Blood means nothing, Sirius.

The blood is red and changeable. The blood is loopy, and what remains is something else, which is below it and resists gravity and time. What resists is more than blood and Sirius knows it. That is why he touches his chest, with that curious expression and a half-smile, calm, as if he wanted to see what's underneath or as if it just makes it easier for Sirius to communicate in the sensorial language of dogs, which says everything effortlessly, which in the elusive language of words, means nothing. That hand is so hot, that Remus inner tides swirl uneven. He feels weak and lazy and knows he has no choice. That hand will haunt him in dreams. Will appear in the mists of imagination, getting under his shirt, under his shorts, touching him, tempting him.

- You're right - in a lower voice than usual.

-I'm always right, Sirius- almost a whisper.

The dog smiles and the seventeen-year-old boy who lives with him gives up, nods his head, and falls over him. It's an unexpected hug and Remus alone can return it halfway, with awkward slaps on the back, containing the urge to sink his face into her hair and breathe deeply to suffocate on it. Sirius pulls away to come to himself, gradually.

- Do not tell Prongs that his girl has touched my underworld, if you please?

- Don't worry. I can keep a secret.

He would like to ask Sirius for a favor in exchange for his forgiveness. Lay me down: "On that bed and lick me, and make me bark" He wishes he didn't have to ask him anything and that he gives him everything and that secret, like so many others, is Kept under flesh and blood, with the devious zeal of a lonely wolf.

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