Different meaning of the word: Patethic

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The worst thing is that no one can tell her that she was not responsible herself for getting into that trouble. "I alone and without help". Well, with the invaluable help of those two ... of those two ... hooligans, nonsense, pornographers idiots. But it was her, her! the one who ultimately agreed and now she has to avoid him how she can, and when she can't, when they finally match on the way to their classroom, she has to speed up her step and pretend that he doesn't exist.

- So?

She tries to ignore him. Potions class is not far away. Walks more quickly.

- So what.

- Is Hogsmeade's visit on Saturday good for you? We could go to the village together.

She stops abruptly. She turns to look at him. It's easier to do it now that he's wearing pants.

- Potter, are you serious about taking my word and going ahead with that?

Let me kindly remind you that you only got a yes from my mouth because if McGonagall gets to see you two I would also be in trouble?

He doesn't even think about it.

- Yes.

He has nice blue eyes. He's ridiculous, but his eyes are pretty. "And why the hell I care now?"

- Do you realise that when people hang out together they do it with the remote hope of maybe see the other naked one day, and that if I go out with you is precisely to avoid seeing you naked?

Clearly, she hadn't thought about it. Because it's ridiculous.

- Seen like this, it's kind of pathetic.

It seems that he comes to his senses. Finally. Lily picks up her pace again. Notes that he follows her just a foot behind her. Upon reaching the dungeon door, he blocks the entrance, and his "- pretty! -" blue eyes prevent her from entering class. "And now that..."

- So, Saturday. I'll wait for you at three at the fountain.

Lily babbles a "But!!" in disbelief.

- I'll be pathetic but not enough to miss this opportunity, Lily. Saturday. At three o'clock. - Swallowed as a turkey, maybe with his head a little too high, leaning against the doorjamb, totally delighted about the situation, James Potter is a magnificent example of someone who believes that he can achieve anything he sets his mind to. He bows his head, looking over the rounded glasses, giving to her an almost charismatic smile and judgment. - You and me. Saturday afternoo...

- Can you let me in?

He not only leaves her in, but opens the door for her and holding on to the handle, he keeps looking at her, keeps smiling, keeps emitting some strange vibrations that make Lily feel insecure, trapped in a cage in the one that has gotten herself, locked up like a canary. And worst of all, she is seeing how the cat approaches as she is afraid of being eaten.

- It's just a date, Potter. Don't get overexcited.

- A date is all I need to convince you.

- Of what, if it is possible to know.

- That we are made for each other, Lily.

It's so, so, so unbearable that sometimes James Potter does that out of sheer exasperation, causes her stomach to actually flip, also her heart and feel short of breath.

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