What the girls don't reckon

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When Sirius passes by, the younger girls at school turn red.

The teachers constantly scold him and call his attention over and over, but when Sirius apologizes and talks to them, certain cheeky mortification appears in his sculpted face, and shrugging, he says "sorry very much, teacher, I have no remedy" even McGonagall softens a little and lets him go with a lighter punishment and a "Hope this behavior is never repeated, Black."

Girls his age fall into two categories: The ones that have already hooked up with him and they hate him because he never lent them any attention again, and those who still believe that he is Merlin reincarnated. When Sirius wants to get free beer in Hogsmeade and/or the waitresses ask him if he's a minor, he just has to approach them, leaning on the bar or table and say anything like "- old enough to know what like-" with that ultra animal intensity that he gives off and makes the hormones rebel against reason. The girls -Remus is sure about it- are overwhelmed by the lacerating virility of a Black in the wild.

Sirius is what encourages them to skip classes, disobey their mothers and abandon their boyfriends. Sirius is the attraction to the dark side, the promise of an unforgettable night, rebellion made flesh, the spirit of evil intentions. Most cannot resist and many of those who are said immune out of pure pride, they acknowledge, albeit at night and in a low voice, that something vibrates inside them when Sirius walks through the corridors at great striding as if he were the king of the world. Or when he smokes in the Common room with his feet on the table, staring at all the girls passing by closely, with that punisher pose that is only credible in a few chosen. Girls, in general, die for the bones of a certain Sirius Black, and Remus thinks they're lucky (those wretches) because they don't have to endure the most sublime tortures. Ah no, those remain reserved exclusively for him. Because they are friends, of course, and between friends, there are moments of intimacy.

Every morning, when Remus opens his eyes, Sirius is already awake. Why not. He has chronic insomnia, and that's why he is morally against sleeping for more than four hours. Generally, reading on the bed or finishing the homework he was supposed to do the day before. Semi-naked, of course, because, in the rooms, unlike in the corridors and classrooms, it is rather hot. On the other hand, who would want to cover his body having THAT Body? The muscles of the abdomen are the work of Quidditch and genetic gratefulness. They remind Remus of Muggle chocolate bars.

Sirius always gets up in his boxers or, at most, with his pants of pijamas and he is the only one in all of Scotland who seems moderately tanned all year. When he decides to get out of bed, the sheets are a mess, and eight days a week - Remus calculated precisely - there is a bulky figure that curves up under clothes. An unmistakable sign that he has not been exactly dreaming about Dumbledore.

Remus HATES his mouth watering just looking at him and he hates that Sirius exhibits without pretending to exhibit himself. He hates the grace with which he lives in his body, the naturalness with which he gets into the shower after Quidditch practice and stands naked in front of him, James, and also Peter and whoever is in front, throwing the shirt and the pants to the corner. He recalls the details of the game without covering himself and Remus has seen him verbally torturing Severus Snape while he was naked. Even with a towel in his hand and nothing else, he has seen him appear majestic and with such strength...

Procacious and stubborn as a mule, he's sexy, fuck Sirius is so sexy that even house elves give him sheep's eyes when he strikes at midnight and drags Remus into the kitchen on the sly for midnight snacks.

He sits on a workbench full of mysterious pots and bakery utensils, dressed in a short-sleeved T-shirt and jeans that he wears with the first button unbuttoned, revealing a hint of his boxers. He scratches his gut by lifting his shirt slightly and touches his stomach without Remus knowing exactly what for and makes that grim sound "mmmmm..." while eating pumpkin pie with both hands. Moaning and groaning declare that "this cake is a fucking delicacy" and also " I think I'm gonna cum" while he's still-making-that-guttural sound that fills the kitchen.

Remus is forced to make a superb effort to hold back because what he would like to do is to rub himself against the tables and find some kind of relief.

Do the girls get wet for Sirius? They are LUCKY not to have to put up with things like that. 

Sometimes Remus envies them. 

Other times Sirius and James shower and Remus watches them as he puts on his shoes. They recall the best plays of the century and Sirius catches water with his mouth and expels it like a fountain and Remus knows he wouldn't change being so close to him, not for all Gringotts gold.

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