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The wind hits him in the face and the motorcycle lifts off the ground to open step in the fog, heading for the sky, home, nowhere. Heading in the direction of the moon that peeks out from the clouds. Every sentence, every word, everything that has happened in Grimmauld Place goes round and round into his head, like if he were still standing in there, in his father's office.

"- There is a line, Sirius. Even for you."

Orion's voice, embedded in blood, hears it nonstop, even now one hundred miles away from that place that has never been his home.

"- And tonight you have deliberately crossed that line."

He breaks through the thick layer of fog and under his feet, watches London, both sides of the river. Lights, unfamiliar faces, his father.

His mother.

"- You are clearly crying out for punishment. We told you there is rules in this house.

- But they're not my rules.

- Then it won't be your house either.

- It has never been."

He has not taken many things with him. Almost everything that matters to him is far away from 12 of Grimmauld Place, and none of it will ever have a place in that house. After seeing Remus's letters burned, he has no doubts remain. There are two worlds and the only one that interests him has nothing to do with the Blacks.

Leaving home, he's about to cross the threshold. The noise from the party in the background. And all he hears is the rush of blood. And Walburga, her wand on hand, threatening, in front of him. Orion says "Let him leave" and she seems willing to send him a curse. Avada Kedavra! And everything would end right there. He seems capable. Sirius thinks it would be logical to die at the hands of those who made him. Perhaps that will be the last word he hears from the mouth of his mother. Avada Kedavra. A deadly curse.

- Go away, but remember that it is in our blood. You can run everything you want and you will never run away from it.

- I'll die trying, mother, I swear.

- Then you will die young.

Worn, dry, magnificent in her anger, Walburga appears to be twenty feet tall. Her hand holding her wand is shaking. It contains so much black magic that could explode right there.

The door slams shut. Despite the noise of the engine, he still listens to them. He accelerates to get as far as he possibly can. A dog that denies his breed. The fuel that moves him forward is his own life and he does not mind burning as many years as it takes to get away from London.

"You will die young." The last words he hears from his mother's mouth are, after all, a deadly curse. His, are the acceptance of his fate.

"If I must...".

He knows that he has made a choice whose consequences he still does not know. If the price is his life, imagines that it is better than not having lived. Mile after mile, the night he takes him away from London and brings him closer to his destiny.

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