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They call the second full moon of the blue month. He is thirsty at night and when the shell of the evening breaks and begins to rise in the vaulted night, hears a familiar howl, coming from that spot on top of the hill that everyone in Hogsmeade calls the Shrieking Shack. Soon enough, the surroundings of the school are filled with sound. The first out is the wolf and the moon feel satisfied because it is its essence that runs in four legs in the depths of the forest. Behind the wolf, the others who always accompany. 

First, the dog. Then the stag. And at last, the rat. Wolf, dog, stag, rat. The moon watches high, for the second time in a month, over the symphony of barking and howling laments that resemble laughter.

When it rises high enough and its reflection turns to mother-of-pearl on the surface of the lake, the moon is mesmerised with itself. About her, the formidable silhouette of the stag, always at a distance from the wolf, always without losing sight of him.

That night the only uneven sound is the noise of men.

- Wolf!

The roar of rifles.

- There is!

The shot reverberates to the calm surface of the lake.

- I got him!

The moon does not need to hear the bleeding howl of the wolf to know it's true. Feel the shot like a meteor exploding on your side dark, forming an ominous crater. The wolf is wounded and with him, the moon, that hides behind black night clouds to lick and feel that wanes, before its time. Down in the woods, the dog's jaws shine like blindness and the hunters flee from their rage, leaving behind a wounded wolf and the rest of the animals.

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