No man is an isle

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During the meal, Severus mentally goes over the ingredients and measures of the last potion he made, trying to improve on what the teacher has said to him. "Reduce cooking time, decrease side effects".

He likes to solve the puzzle in his mind, keeps him away from all that noise from the Great Hall, of all the stupid shit he has to live with.

-Getting ready for the circus, Snape?

Potter messes with him from his place on the Gryffindor throne and all idiots in his house laugh with him. A herd of monkeys trained to adore him. Pathetic. Black is the first to laugh at him, of course. They are not more than a couple of unbearable spoil bitches.

Severus bumps into someone, stumbles, drops a scroll. He balances so as not to fall after. And when he wants to realize, there She is again. With that long hair that reaches to the middle of her back and that expression so unusual, so curious, between temperate and unattainable.

She bends down, picks up her things, asks him if he wants help.

And she touches him.

A gentle touch. Fingers against fingers.

A touch too soft.

- Back off. - Lily loses her color, clenches her teeth, and takes a step back, driven by the purest outrage. - How dare you to touch me.

He doesn't like to be touched. Something inside him, something that remains bound, solid, and unreachable within him he runs the risk of breaking if touched. Especially if they touch him like this. Too soft.

- Don't worry. - Lily is livid with outrage. - It wasn't on purpose, but will not be repeated.

She then proceeds to her place at that table. Surrounded by those idiots who believe them to be the kings of the school. Potter, who gets more compliments than his disproportionate ego needs. And Black, who laughs out loud and turns away the hair on her face as if his very existence aroused her sexually. He probably does.

But all reigns end. And when theirs has fallen, Severus Snape will still be there. In the same place as always. Awaiting for his moment to come...

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